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Desynchronization of Neocortical Networks by Asynchronous Release of GABA at Autaptic and Synaptic Contacts from Fast-Spiking Interneurons

Figure 3

The delayed increase in sIPSC frequency is selectively expressed in autaptic FS interneurons.

(A) Voltage-clamp recording from a FS cell, showing massive sIPSC activity following high-frequency voltage-clamp evoked APs (130 Hz, 2 s). (B) Voltage-clamp recording from the same neuron as in (A), showing prominent autaptic responses. Black traces are superimposed single-trial responses with average IPSC shown in gray. (C) Section of trace in (A) marked by gray bar, shown at an expanded time scale. (D–F) Voltage-clamp recording from another FS interneuron, showing the lack of increased spontaneous IPSCs following a similar AP train (gray-barred section expanded in [F]) and corresponding absence of autaptic response (E). (G) Plot representing the sIPSC frequency increase following AP trains versus autaptic size. Linear regression fit of the data showed a significant correlation (n = 11).

Figure 3
