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BEAF Regulates Cell-Cycle Genes through the Controlled Deposition of H3K9 Methylation Marks into Its Conserved Dual-Core Binding Sites

Figure 2

ChIP-on Chip Analysis Shows That BEAF Peaks Corresponding to Dual-Cores

The panel shows an alignment of ChIP-on-chip analysis using anti-BEAF antibodies (see the graph in green with red bars marking the position of significant peaks), with our dual-core database (Dcores, black rectangles) (, over a region of the X chromosome (nucleotide positions 4,950,000 to 5,300,000). Single elements not forming dual-cores are also shown (single:, black bars). Note that all five peaks fit into dual-cores. The second peak from the left is X-Dcore38_D, which juxtaposes the cdk7 gene. Transcription start sites (blue bars) and primary transcripts (purple lines) are shown on top.

Figure 2
