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Interdigitated Paralemniscal and Lemniscal Pathways in the Mouse Barrel Cortex

Figure 6

Somatotopic Maps in VPM and POm

(A) Synaptic input maps (left) for a pair of L5A and L4 cells recorded in the same barrel-related column, and the overlaid input domains (right). Circles indicate the position of the largest responses in the input domains.

(B) Same as (A) for a pair of L5A and L5B cells.

(C) Positions of the centers of POm (blue) and VPM (green) input domains for pairs of cells recorded in the same column.

(D) and (E) Distances of the centers of the input domains from the bottom of VPM (YPOm, YVPM; [D]) and from the POm/VPM boundary (XPOm, XVPM; [E]) for pairs of cells recorded in the same column (coordinate system is indicated in [C]). Larger symbols indicate overlay of multiple pairs (L5A/L4, n = 13; L5A/L5B, n = 5; L5A/L6A, n = 2). Dashed lines indicate the predicted relationships if VPM and POm somatotopy was mirror symmetric.

Figure 6
