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The Neural Substrates of Infant Sleep in Rats

Figure 4

State-Dependent Neural Activity within Nucleus Gigantocellularis

(A) Recording sites of state-dependent neurons reconstructed on a coronal section of the medulla of a P8 rat. Note the anatomical overlap of the different classes of neurons. Arrow corresponds to top arrow in (B).

(B) Photomicrograph depicting two marking lesions in nucleus gigantocellularis (the two lesions are approximately 80 μm apart). The white arrow indicates the location of the recording site identified by the arrow in (A).

(C) Lower trace: single unit activity of a representative Gi EMG-on neuron. Upper trace: concurrently recorded nuchal EMG. Far right: Averaged waveform of representative EMG-on neuron.

(D) Lower trace: single unit activity of a representative Gi atonia-on neuron. Upper trace: concurrently recorded nuchal EMG. Far right: Averaged waveform of representative atonia-on neuron. Gi, nucleus gigantocellularis; Pyr, pyramids; ST, spinal trigeminal nucleus; V, vestibular nucleus

Figure 4
