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Ras and Gpa2 Mediate One Branch of a Redundant Glucose Signaling Pathway in Yeast

Figure 4

Loss of Gpr1 Diminishes the Glucose Response

Diagrams show the patterns of expression of genes in clusters based on time course changes (20-min intervals over 1 h) in gene expression following glucose addition to the indicated strains (GPR1, Y2092; gpr1, Y3159; GPR1 tpk-w, Y2857; gpr1 tpk-w, Y3077). For clustering, absolute intensity values were normalized for each gene over all 12 conditions examined by subtracting the average expression level for that gene over all conditions and dividing by the standard deviation for that gene, but the plotted expression values (y-axis units) represent the average of the absolute intensity of expression (converted to log2) of all the genes in the cluster at the indicated timepoint. Error bars indicate the standard deviation in expression values of all genes in the cluster at the indicated timepoint. The number of genes in each cluster and any highly enriched function group (including the p value) are indicated in each graph.

Figure 4
