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Mre11 Assembles Linear DNA Fragments into DNA Damage Signaling Complexes

Figure 3

Mre11 Tethers DSB-Containing DNA

(A) Control and treated extracts were incubated with α-32P-dATP-labeled DNA fragments and loaded onto BioGel A15 columns. Fractions 10 and 25 were collected and incubated with polyclonal antibodies against Mre11 or protein A beads alone. Beads were collected and washed, and radioactivity was counted in a scintillation counter. Shown are control extract (stripes), Mre11-depleted extract (dots), or Mre11-depleted extract supplemented with Mre11 that had been immunoprecipitated from the extract (diamonds), and extract incubated with beads alone (black).

(B) Biotinylated DNA fragments were mixed with α-32P-dATP-labeled DNA fragments and incubated with various extracts. The extracts were then loaded onto BioGel A15 columns. Fractions 10 and 25 were collected and incubated with streptavidin-magnetic beads. Beads were collected and washed, and radioactivity was counted in a scintillation counter. Shown are control extract (stripes), Mre11-depleted extract (dots), Mre11-depleted extract supplemented with 500 nM MRN (diamonds), and streptavidin beads (black).

Figure 3
