In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING Portland, Oregon June 13-16, 1978 The forty-first annual meeting of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers was hosted by Portland State University in the City of Roses. Dale Courtney organized and executed a fine program with the assistance of his capable and cheerful colleagues in the Department of Geography. Three impressive field trips were held in conjunction with the meetings. A Cascade Traverse trip preceded the opening of the meetings and provided an excellent view of a most diverse and fascinating physical environment. A tour of the Bonneville Power Administration headquarters and Bonneville Dam was held on June 14, ably directed by John Pyrch and his fellow geographers of the BPA. The exciting story of the Port of Portland was reviewed and explained by Dan Bisenius and his colleagues at the port. The papers numbered nearly one hundred and were organized into twenty lively, fast-moving sessions. The topics ran the gamut of traditional topics, geomorphology, biogeography, climatology, urban geography, historical geography and also included some innovative and unique sessions. Landscapes-Real or Imagined was one, and the impressive session on Coastal Erosion in Oregon brought contributions from a variety of disciplines to bear on a topic of great physical and social interest. The presidential address, "The Pacific Coast of North America as Viewed from the Pacific," provided perspective and a useful capstone for the meetings. The city was friendly, the papers stimulating, and the forty-first meeting was most enjoyable. 139 ...

