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ORGANIZATION The Association, of Pacific Coast Goographors "was organized June 27th, 1035, nt the University of California at Los Angolés. During the preceding wintor letters had been sont to teachers of geography in institutions of higher learning and to research workers interested in the subject. The response to the letters proved favorable and Otis' AT.- Freeman of Cheney, Washington, solicited papers for a two-day meeting. In all '21 pn-pflïs were. presented at the meeting on Junc.'26 and 27th. Br, Otis W.'FriJorrwn was oloeled chairman and Miss Vinnio B. Clark of tho State Teachers Collego, San Diego, secretary. On Wednesday afternoon, June 26, H. P. Kaup, of the Geography Department of the University of California at Los Angeles, conducted a tour of Los Angeles harbor and adjoining areas. At tho organization meeting the following wore elected for the year 193ñ-3o: President—Otis W. Freeman, State Normal School, Cheney, Washington. A'ieo President—George C. Kmiberj Junior· College, Sacramento, California. ,Bccrotary-Tronsuror—Willis B, Merriam, Department of Geography, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. It was decided to hold the second meeting of the ¦ Association of Pacific Coast Geographers at the University of Washington in June, .103.(1,, in.: connection with the meetings of -the. Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. It was decided to publish an annual volume of proceedings to contain abstracts of nil papers presented and as many papers in full as available funds would permit. The following constitution was adopted! CONSTITUTION OF ASSOCIATION OF PACIFIC COAST GEOGEAPHERS Article I.Officers shall hold office for ono year Nate—This society shall be known as or until their successors qualify. thé Association of Pacific Coast Geographei s. Article ?. Object—The object shall be the promos tion of scientific research in GeogTaphy and the diffusion of the, resulting scientific - knowledge. Article HI. Mmbership—Membership shall, 'incudo anyono interested in the purpose of this socioty On the annual payment of. $2,00. Article IV. Officers—The officers sTiall consist öf: President, Alee President and a SocretaryTreasurcr . Those three shall constitute the executive council to plan and supervise tho work of the organization. All officers shall bo chosen by ballot on ifhe nomination of the nominating committee or from nominations mpdo on the floor at the annual meeting. Article V. Business of Officers—The officers shall designate the time and place for an annual program meeting, át which time officers for the ensuing year shall be elected. It- shall bo tho special duty of the Secretary to' arrange the program for this meeting . In ease of a vacancy during the year caused by, the death or resignation of one of the '.three off'icors^ the remaining two shall select a* successor to 'fill out the vacant term. .Article VI. Standing-—There shall bo a membership committee ,and such other committees as may ^e. appointed by the officers or. .chosen at .the nnnua] meeting. Article. VII. Amendments—Amendments to those articles may^ .be made at any annual meeting !TlV„ a. .y°te Pf,.two-thirds of the members present and voting. (2) ...

