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  • Biblical News

Report of the Eighty-Second International Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America

The Eighty-Second International Meeting of the Catholic Biblical Association of America was held July 27–30, 2019, at Walsh University in North Canton, Ohio. The meeting began on Saturday, July 27, with a welcome from Christopher Seeman on behalf of Walsh University. The opening general session was a panel discussion entitled "Biblical Perspectives on Responding to the Clerical Sexual Abuse Scandal," featuring Gary A. Anderson, Francis J. Moloney, S.D.B., Anathea Portier-Young, and Gina Hens-Piazza. The panel discussion was followed by a social.

Sessions on Sunday, July 28th

Five task forces and five continuing seminars met simultaneously each day from 8:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. The task forces included: "Addressing Representations of Jews and Judaism in Catholic Exegesis, Homiletics, and Catechesis" (co-conveners: John Clabeaux and Christopher Seeman; core group members in attendance: Ximena DeBroeck; Todd Hanneken; Linda Harrington; Anathea Portier-Young; Roberto Martinez; Eileen Schuller, O.S.U.; Gregory Tatum, O.P.); "Feminist Biblical Hermeneutics" (co-conveners: Ahida Calderón Pilarski and Lai Ling Ngan; core group members in attendance: Carol Dempsey, O.P.; Susan Elliott; Florence Gillman; Laura Manzo; Sheila McGinn; Barbara Reid, O.P.); "God in Paul's Letters" (co-conveners: Robert O'Toole, S.J., and Timothy Milinovich; core group members in attendance: Mary T. Brien, P.B.V.M.; Nélida Naveros Córdova, C.D.P.; John L. Gillman; Mark J. Goodwin; John G. Lodge; Elliott C. Maloney, O.S.B.; Larry David McCormick; Maria Pascuzzi, C.S.J.; Mark P. Reasoner); "Hermeneutics: A Thematic Investigation" (convener: Michael Patella, O.S.B.; core group members in attendance: Richard Bautch; James Okoye; Gina Hens-Piazza; David Penchansky; Antonio Portalatin; Jean-François Racine; Andrea Spatafora; Peter Spitaler); "God in the Synoptic Gospels" (coconveners: Séamus G. O'Connell and Brigid Curtin Frein; core group members in attendance: Charles Bobertz; Timothy R. Carmody; Richard Dillon; Roberto Martinez; Mary Anne Stachow, S.B.S.; Benedict Viviano, O.P.; Patricia Walters).

The continuing seminars and their respective leaders studied: "Divinity in Ancient Israel: Deuteronomistic Deities in Judges and Samuel" (Mahri Leonard-Fleckman; Andrew Davis; and Garrett Galvin, O.F.M.); "Ambiguities, Anomalies, and Aporias in the Gospel of John" (Peter Judge and Mark A. Matson); "The Deuterocanonical Books" (Jeremy Corley and Vincent Skemp); "Paul within Antiquity" (Michael P. Barber and Brant J. Pitre); and "Hebrew Poetry Seminar" (Joseph E. Jensen and Pauline A. Viviano). [End Page 693]

The morning concluded with papers presented in simultaneous sessions: Mark S. Smith, "Judges and Historiography"; and Florence Gillman, "Paul and the Thessalonians Who Abandoned Their Idols."

Four sessions of research reports during the afternoon heard the following papers delivered: Andrew R. Davis, "Disability and Advocacy in the Book of Job"; Timothy M. Willis presented John T. Willis's paper, "Jeremiah's Portrayal of Sin as Trusting in Untrustworthy People and Things"; Christian Gers-Uphaus [NT Emerging Scholar], "Reading Resurrection in the First Century—Traditio-Historical Thoughts on 1 Cor 15"; Mark C. Kiley, "Basar and Mebasereth in the Fourth Gospel"; Nélida Naveros Córdova, C.D.P., "From Philo of Alexandria's 'Moderation' to Paul's 'Solution' to the Problem of Sinful Passions"; Ki-Eun Jang [OT Emerging Scholar], "Saul's Israel and the 'Hebrews': Identity Politics in 1 Samuel 13–14"; David A. Bosworth, "The Role of the Natural World in the Divine–Human Relationship in Isaiah 1–39"; Harry Hagan, O.S.B., "Divorce and Remarriage: The Unforgivable Sin?"; Najeeb T. Haddad, "Satan, Not Augustus, Is the God of This Age (2 Cor 4:4)"; James W. Barker, "Reinscribing the Old Latin Diatessaron"; Lourdes García Ureña, "Ps 68.14—a Golden Dove? An Answer Based on Cognitive Linguistics"; Vincent Skemp, "Endurance in Suffering on the Path to Virtue in 4 Maccabees"; Toan Do, "Paul, a Witness (?) to Jesus' Family"; Barbara E. Reid, O.P., "Women Disciples and the Gospel of Luke"; Michael L. Rapp, "The Curious Reception of Parresia in Early NT Versions"; Anathea Portier-Young, "Terror, Tears, and Wonder: The Prophet's Embodied Affect"; Mark A. Awabdy, "Reading Job's Prologue...

