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  • Other Books Received
Ács, Pál. Reformations in Hungary in the Age of the Ottoman Conquest. [Academic Studies, 52.] (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2019. Pp. 336. €99,00, hardcover.)
Addington, Catherine, trans. Saint Rafael Arnaiz: The Collected Works. Ed. Sr. María Gonzalo-García, O.C.S.O. (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press. 2022. Pp. lviii, 730. $79.95, paperback.)
Ardura, Bernard and Armand Puig i Tàrrech, eds. "Che Cos'è Stato il 1968? Una Lettura 50 Anni Dopo" Barcellona, 17–19 gennaio 2018: "¿Qué Fue el 1968? Una Lectura Medio Siglo Después" Barcelona, 17–19 enero 2018. (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana. 2020. Pp. xiv, 342. €25,00, hardcover.)
Artman, Amy Collier. The Miracle Lady: Kathryn Kuhlman and the Transformation of Charismatic Christianity. Foreword by Kate Bowler. (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. 2019. Pp. 248. $30.99, paperback.)
Attridge, Michael, Darren Dias, O.P., Matthew Eaton, and Nicholas Olkovich. The Promise of Renewal: Dominicans and Vatican II. (Adelaide: ATF Theology. 2017. Pp. xviii, 394. Paperback.)
Azar, Helen and George Hawkins. Maria Romanov: The Third Daughter of the Last Tsar Diaries and Letters 1908–1918. (Yarley, PA: Westholme Publishing. 2019. Pp. xxvi, 270. $28.00, hardcover.)
Bates, John C. The Catholic Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania: Its Origins, Establishment, Decline, and Resurrection. (Pittsburgh, PA: The Catholic Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania. 2020. Pp. xvi, 520. $4.40, paperback.))
Bazzana, Giovanni B. Having the Spirit of Christ: Spirit Possession and Exorcism in the Early Christ Groups. [Synkrisis: Comparative Approaches to Early Christianity in Greco-Roman Culture.] (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 2020. Pp. xii, 320. $74.00, paperback.)
Bellabarba, Marco. Das Habsburger-Reich, 1765–1918. (Berlin: De Gruyter. 2020. Pp. x, 194. $38.99, hardcover.)
Ben-Johanan, Karma. Jacob's Younger Brother: Christian-Jewish Relations after Vatican II. (Cambridge, MA: Belknap. 2022. Pp. xii, 356. £30.95, hardcover.)
Bennett, Joshua. God & Progress: Religion & History in British Intellectual Culture, 1845–1914. [Oxford Historical Monographs.] (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 2019. Pp. xii, 312. $90.00, hardcover.) [End Page 840]
Berbara, Maria, ed. Sacrifice and Conversion in the Early Modern Atlantic World. [I Tatti Research Series, 3] (Florence: I Tatti—The Harvard University Center. 2022. Pp. 384. $45.00, hardcover.)
Boersma, Karla and Herman J. Selderhuis, eds. More than Luther: The Reformation and the Rise of Pluralism in Europe. [Academic Studies, 55.] (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2019. Pp. 348. €110,00, hardcover.)
Bonora, Elena. Waiting for the Emperor: Italian Princes, the Pope, and Charles V. Trans. Richard Bates. [Società di Studi Valdesi—English Series.] (Rome: Viella Libreria Editrice. 2022. Pp. 260. € 39,90, cloth.)
Bragagnolo, Manuela. Lodovico Antonio Muratori e L'Eredità del Cinquecento nell'Europa del XVIII Secolo. (Florence: Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki. 2017. Pp. xx, 174. €25,00, paperback.)
Brandfon, Fredric. Intimate Strangers: A History of Jews and Catholics in the City of Rome. (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, and Philadelphia, PA: The Jewish Publication Society. 2023. Pp. xvi, 366. $36.95, cloth.)
Brown, Geoffrey. Lakeville Crucifix: A Religious War in 19th Century Connecticut. (Taconic, CT: Between the Lakes Group LLC. 2018. Pp. 322. $29.95, paperback.)
Bruening, Michael W. Refusing to Kiss the Slipper: Opposition to Calvinism in the Francophone Reformation. (London: Oxford University Press. 2021. Pp. xvi, 362. $110.00, hardcover.)
Bruno-Jofré, Rosa. The Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions: From Ultramontane Origins to a New Cosmology. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2020. Pp. x, 374. $87.00, hardcover.)
Bruno-Jofré, Rosa, Heidi MacDonald, and Elizabeth M. Smyth. Vatican II and Beyond: The Changing Mission and Identity of Canadian Women Religious. (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. 2017. Pp. viii, 192. CA$40.95, paperback.)
Bucciantini, Massimo, ed. The Science and Myth of Galileo between the Seventeenth and Nineteenth Centuries in Europe. [Biblioteca Di Galilæana, 10.] (Florence: Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki. 2020. Pp. x, 506. €52,00, paperback.)
Bünz, Enno, Werner Greiling, and Uwe Schirmer. Thüringische Klöster und Stifte in vor- und Frühreformatorischer Zeit. [Quellen und Forschungen zu Thüringen im Zeitalter der Reformation, 6] (Köln: Böhlau Verlag. 2017. Pp. 462. €60.00, hardcover.)
Butler, Kevin D. Slavery, Religion, and Race in...

