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The Catholic Historical Review 91.1 (2005) 206-217

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Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

Mary. Miri Rubin. History Workshop Journal, No. 58 (Autumn, 2004), 1-16.

Su alcuni nuovi orientamenti nella storiografia del papato, della curia, del governo pontificio. Giacomo Martina, S.I. Archivum Historiae Pontificiae, 41 (2003), 231-252.

The Armenian Catholic Church: A Study in History and Ecclesiology. John Whooley. Heythrop Journal, 45 (Oct., 2004), 416-434.

Unternehmen Traditionsbildung: Die Grabmäler der rheinischen Erzbischöfe (976-1768) zwischen Memoria, Repräsentation und Geschichtskonstruktion. Stefan Heinz, Barbara Rothbrust, Wolfgang Schmid. Francia, 31 (1, 2004), 165-180.

"We are All One in the Eyes of the Lord": Christopher Hill and the Historical Meanings of Radical Religion. Penelope J. Corfield. History Workshop Journal, No. 58, (Autumn, 2004), 110-127.

Servite Bibliography 1993-2000. Conrad M. Borntrager, O.S.M. Studi Storici dell'Ordine dei Servi di Maria, LIII (2003), 57-402.


Orthodoxy and Heresy in Second-Century Rome. Einar Thomassen. Harvard Theological Review, 97 (July, 2004), 241-256.

Sextus Julius Africanus and the Roman Near East in the Third Century. William Adler. Journal of Theological Studies, 55 (Oct., 2004), 520-550.

Geschichte und Glaube bei Origenes und Augustinus. Basil Studer. Cristianesimo nella Storia, XXV (Jan., 2004), 1-24.

"A Suitable Abode for Christ": The Church Building as Symbol of Ascetic Renunciation in Early Monasticism. Caroline T. Schroeder. Church History, 73 (Sept., 2004), 472-521.

Girolamo e la polemica antiapollinarista. Mieczysl´aw Celestyn Paczkowski, O.F.M. Antonianum, LXXIX (July-Sept., 2004), 473-503. [End Page 206]

La cosiddetta «guerra giusta» nel De civitate Dei di Agostino. Elena Cavalcanti. Cristianesimo nella Storia, XXV (Jan., 2004), 25-57.

La figura del vescovo tra la fine del mondo antico e l'avvento dei nuovi popoli europei. Ugo Dovere. Archivum Historiae Pontificiae, 41 (2003), 25-49.

Lorenzo di Siponto: un vescovo del VI secolo tra agiografia e storia. Ada Campione. Vetera Christianorum, 41 (1, 2004), 61-82.

The Widening Debate on the Origin of Saint Benedict's Biography. Francis Clark. Downside Review, 122 (July, 2004), 169-184.


The Cult of St Mary at Beodericisworth and then in Bury St Edmunds Abbey to c. 1150. Antonio Gransden. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 55 (Oct., 2004), 627-653.

Sant'Eusanio e i vescovi della diocesi di Forcona (in Abruzzo) dagli inizi al 1257. Mario Maritano. Salesianum, LXVI (Apr.-June, 2004), 199-244.

Die merowingische Herkunft der Vita Sadalbergae. Hans Hummer. Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, 59 (2, 2003), 459-548.

Bede's Ecclesial Vision for England. Brendan McGroarty. Downside Review, 122 (July, 2004), 211-234.

Fondazioni monastiche femminili pregregoriane in Piemonte. Giampietro Casiraghi. Bollettino Storico-Bibliografico Subalpino, CII (1, 2004), 5-53.

I vescovi di Pisa dall'età carolingia all'inizio del XIII secolo. Maria Luisa Ceccarelli Lemut. Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, LVIII (Jan.-June, 2004), 3-28.

Le roi Josias dans l'ecclésiologie politique du haut Moyen Âge. Isabelle Rosé. Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome, 115 (2, 2003), 638-709.

Les vies latines de saint Clément, premier évêque de Metz. Mireille Chazan. Francia, 31 (1, 2004), 15-43.

Rome: Capital of Anglo-Saxon England. Nicholas Howe. Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 34 (Winter, 2004), 147-172.

The Competition for Saints in Medieval Zurich. Joan A. Holladay. Gesta, XLIII (1, 2004), 41-59.

Senses and sensibility in Byzantium. Liz James. Art History, 27 (Sept., 2004), 522-537. [End Page 207]

Sur un acte prétendu faux de Bérenger Ier, roi d'Italie, pour Saint-Martin de Tours. Philippe Baccou. Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome, 115 (2, 2003), 711-725.

Jurisprudence in the Service of Pastoral Care: The Decretum of Burchard of Worms. Greta Austin. Speculum, 79 (Oct., 2004), 929-959.

Persönlichkeitsdarstellung und mittelalterliche Morallehre. Das Leben Erzbischof Adalberts in der Beschreibung Adams von Bremen. Eva Schlotheuber. Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, 59 (2, 2003), 495-548.

La mémoire d'un duc dans un écrin de pierre: le tombeau de Guy Geoffroy à Saint...

