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Reviewed by:
  • The Door by the Staircase by Katherine Marsh
  • April Spisak
Marsh, Katherine The Door by the Staircase; illus. by Kelly Murphy. Disney Hyperion, 2016 [288p]
ISBN 978-1-4231-3499-2 $16.99
Reviewed from galleys R* Gr. 4-6

Mary has lived in a cruel and austere orphanage ever since her mother and brother died in a house fire. When Madame Z appears looking for a girl to adopt, Mary dares to believe her luck might finally be changing. Mary does indeed go home with Madame Z and lands in Iris, a town filled with charlatans, pickpockets, and people with real magic; there she makes her first true friend, Jacob, the son of a magician. She’s also gaining weight and being warmly clothed, and she seems to be viewed fondly by Madame Z, though Mary can tell something clandestine is going on. When she realizes that Madame Z’s real identity is Baba Yaga and that she has scared away many other girls (who were then apparently caught and eaten), Mary decides that she likes her home nonetheless, and she’s determines to tame the witch. This book is a splendid mix of traditional Russian folkloric details, magical adventure, and hints of historical fiction. The subtlety with which the clues are laid out may mean that readers don’t figure out anything before Mary herself does, but that only means they’ll find her quest to save herself and change the witch even more intriguing. Fans of McCoola’s recent graphic novel Baba Yaga’s Assistant (BCCB 10/15) will be thrilled to see another book focusing on this clever, wicked, and memorable character, and Mary’s gritty determination and fierce loyalty make her a worthy companion. [End Page 315]


