In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • News From The North American Branch

Website of the IAS-NAB:

NAB Officers 2014–2017

(For full addresses, see Bibliography of the International Arthurian Society [BIAS] or online at our website:

  • President: Kevin Whetter (Acadia University)

  • Immediate Past President: Joan Tasker Grimbert (Catholic University of America)

  • Vice President: David F. Johnson (Florida State University)

  • Secretary–Treasurer: Evelyn Meyer (Saint Louis University)

  • Bibliographer: Ann Howey (Brock University)

  • Graduate Student/New Member of the Profession: Usha Vishnuvajjala (Indiana University)

  • ARTHURIANA Editor: Dorsey Armstrong (Purdue University)

Advisory Committee:

  • Romance Languages: Monica Wright (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)

  • Canadian Representative: Robert Rouse (University of British Columbia)

  • Celtic: Lindy Brady (University of Mississippi)

  • English: Nicole Clifton (Northern Illinois University)

  • Germanic: Joseph M. Sullivan (University of Oklahoma)

  • Post–Medieval: Kevin J. Harty (La Salle University)

Past issues of BBIAS and ARTHURIANA:

  • For back issues of the BBIAS, contact Secretary-Treasurer Evelyn Meyer, ( Back issues for most years from 1979 [End Page 114] to the present are available and cost $45.00 each. For back issues of ARTHURIANA, contact editor Dorsey Armstrong (

The New BIAS and JIAS:

In the Fall of 2014, the publisher de Gruyter took over the publication of what used to be the BBIAS and divided this into two separate publications: the BIAS and the JIAS which are accessible to current members through the membership section on the International Arthurian Society website: If you do not have access, contact Secretary-Treasurer Evelyn Meyer (

Your BIAS Abstracts:

Members are reminded that for inclusion in the society’s annual bibliography, they should send bibliographic entries and abstracts for articles or books published in the US in 2016 to Ann Howey ( For publications in other countries, please submit those to the respective Branch bibliographers.

minutes of the international arthurian society—north american branch business meeting, held at the 51st annual international congress on medieval studies in kalamazoo, michigan, may 13, 2016 at 12:00n:

The meeting was called to order at 12:04 p.m. by Kevin Whetter, presiding. K. Whetter introduced himself and Evelyn Meyer respectively as branch President and Secretary-Treasurer. The agenda published in Arthuriana 26.1 was adopted, as was the amended agenda.


norris lacy presented the award to william w. kibler.
the citation read:

‘It is a distinct honor for me to present this award, the Norris J. Lacy Prize for Outstanding Editorial Achievement in Arthurian Studies, to William W. Kibler.

All Arthurians surely know Bill Kibler’s editions and translations of the romances of Chrétien de Troyes; in fact, his edition and facing translation of Lancelot inaugurated the Garland Library of Medieval Literature, a series that ran to more than eighty volumes. Later, his translations of four of Chrétien’s romances, along with Carleton W. Carroll’s Erec et Enide, were put into [End Page 115] prose and published by Penguin. They have deservedly become the standard Englished Chrétien. 

His distinguished translating career continued with his 1995 masterly rendering of a major section of the Vulgate Prose Lancelot (in The Lancelot- Grail: The Old French Arthurian Vulgate and Post-Vulgate Cycles of Arthurian Romance). More recently Kibler, along with Barton Palmer, published a translation of eight Arthurian chronicles and romances under the title Medieval Arthurian Epic and Romance (2014).

His work with Carroll and Palmer and as part of the team of nine translators of the Lancelot-Grail offers ample evidence of Kibler’s ability to work in harmonious and productive collaboration with other scholars. I can personally attest to this quality, having worked closely with him and seven others to provide the translation of the Lancelot-Grail.

Another personal note: Bill also edited an important collection of essays on the Lancelot-Grail, The Lancelot-Grail Cycle: Text and Transformations (1994). I mention this not only because it is, I believe, a very valuable volume, but also because the genesis of the book was an Austin, TX, conference that he organized; it is memorable because it proved to be one of the two...

