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anybody, but no, she had to pick you out to be her victim. And she clawed and bit and scratched until you bled and you always went running back for more. Couldn't wait to get more of her." Rachel stopped short and shook her finger at Landon. "Believe it or don't believe it, I don't care, but I don't want to see that happen again. I don't think I could stand it." Landon stood up. "You? Why do you have to stand anything?" he yelled. "It's me we're talking about, not you! As I said to begin with, what's it to you?" He grabbed Rachel's shoulders and leaned close to her face. "You don't know what you're talking about, Rachel. This is none of your business!" He tightened his grip. "You won before, but not this time." He let go of Rachel's shoulders and turned away. "In fact, I'm going to call Lilah right now and ask her to go out to dinner with me!" He started to the telephone but Rachel caught him, her hand squeezing his arm like a press. They stood, locked, until suddenly, before he was aware of what was happening, Landon 's free arm came from somewhere and knocked Rachel across her front, away, across the room. She landed on the sofa and sat, her small black eyes staring straight ahead and dull. And Landon stood without moving in the middle of the room, breathing hard, sweating, scowling at her, at her flabby arms pressed against the back of the sofa, at her pink and green dress, at her hunched shoulders. For a very long time, he stood there, glaring at her, his eyes dark and green. Then he jerked and looked at her again, this time like Tiny, newly caught, had looked at Big Bob through the bars for the first time. GRANDMOTHER COURAGE for Lavina Middleton Cawood 1877-1907: Harlan, Ky. Ice so thick this morning scraper can't touch it— pouring hot water on windshields of tempered glass Reminiscing— my Kentucky mountain grandmother going to teach When she rode home, tall astride horse, in winter after dark children poured water on her feet thawing them from the stirrups. —Jenny Cawood Chenault 23 ...

