Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to William Allen, 1766 March 4

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date4 March, 1766

ms number766204

abstractWheelock offers belated thanks for Allen's liberality to the Indian Charity School.

handwritingHandwriting is informal and crowded, yet mostly legible.

paperSingle sheet is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.


noteworthyThis document is possibly a copy or draft.

Persistent Identifier
you may Juſtly wonder at my ſo long neglecting to acknowledge your Liberality to this Indian Charity School by my Son, laſt Summer, I have only to plead the want of a fair opportunity for it. for tho’ ſeveral preſented I was prevented embracing them either by their going another way or going ſooner than I expected without giving me notice
pleaſe ſir to accept the Incloſed Narrative as a very Small Teſtimonial of my Gratitude & Reſpect and pleaſe to forward the others to the Gentn to whom they are directed, with my Hearty Thanks for their Generoſity on ye Same occaſion, at ye ſame Time and by the ſame Hand, and pray them to accept as Excuſe for my not writing them in prticular, the Hurry of the Bearer who will not allow of it.
The Lord Reward You & them a Thousand fold, all your, and their Labours of Love for his Name Sake. pleaſe to accept moſt dutiful and Reſpectful Salutation and make the Same acceple to those Gentlemen.
from Hond ſir  Your obliged & moſt obed.t Hum.le ſerv.t Eleazar Wheelock The Hon.le Wm Allen Esq.r
To the hon.ble Wm Allen Esqr March 4.th 1766