日本機械学会論文集 C編
Online ISSN : 1884-8354
Print ISSN : 0387-5024
クローラシューと走行路面の動的相互作用 : 第3報, 自走時におけるシューの挙動
仲川 力阿部 雅二朗伊藤 廣
ジャーナル フリー

1998 年 64 巻 617 号 p. 307-315


This report describes the effects of shoes on the road in driving. Through experimental and theoretical analysis using a scale model of a crawler-type vehicle, the slip, sinkage, inclination, shearing stress and ground pressure of a shoe are obtained quantitatively and considered synthetically. The dynamic behavior of a shoe affected by roller pressure, its front and back shoes behavior and road reaction is analyzed numerically in the overall shoe contact area and in the regions under the contact points of a roller and a shoe. The main reason for shoe contrary slip, which is undesirable for the generation of crawler tractive force, is found to be a fluctuation of shoes produced by the change of rolling pressure position as a roller moves from the rear to the front side of the vehicle.

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