公開研究会・講演会技術と社会の関連を巡って : 技術史から経営戦略まで : 講演論文集
Online ISSN : 2432-9487
セッションID: 303
303 鉄道ゲージの起原はローマ時代のチャリオットの轍 : V.アルジェリア : ティムガード遺跡の実地調査(機械技術史・工学史(1))
緒方 正則塩津 宣子北川 理恵下間 頼一
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Authors discovered wheel ruts in Cyrene, Sabratha, Leptis Magna which were city remains of the Roman Empire of north Africa till now. Recently, authors did an on-the-spot survey of Timgad that was city remains of Roman Empire. Timgad is situated in the north foot of Ores mountains of Algeria in the northern Africa. Timgad was reconstructed as a colonization city in about AD 100 by Roman Emperor Trajanus. The town was called "Pompeii of northern Africa". But unfortunately, it was destroyed in the seventh century by extension of Islamic power. Excavation of the ruins began in 1881. The triumphal arch of Trajanus, a sacred place or courthouse "Basilica", great public bathhouses, an outdoor theater of 3500 seats, public square "Forum" and drainage facilities were excavated from sand. Authors discovered that carvings of wheel ruts are remained at main streets of east and west "Decumanus Maximo" or main street of north and south "Cardo" of the town. The result of measurements are reported in this paper.

© 2005 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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