シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集
Online ISSN : 2432-9509
セッションID: 301
301 ユーザの気分に基づいたイベント選定システムの開発(感性)
荻野 晃大
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Recently, we can search an event or a place to enjoy our life through information site using a mobile phone or a tablet pc in everywhere. However, it is difficult to find the event or the place where we want to go using information site if we don't have a clear opinion about events or places because most information sites need the name of place or the genre of event. The user hesitates to go to the event that is recommended by the system if the user does not know the event well or have information about the event. This paper presents a system based on two methods that help a user who selects an event using Internet. One method recommends an event suitable for a user based on some onomatopoeia that expresses the present user's feeling and body condition. Another method estimates the user's feeling and body condition after the user went the event. This study has experimented about the recommendation of event and estimation of feeling after the event to 11 examinee using 22 sets of onomatopoeia generated by the combination of 30 onomatopoeias. The examinees think that the recommended event matches onomatopoeias as the retrieval key and are satisfied with the recommended event of about 80% of 22 sets. In the case of the feelings and body condition of when the user went to the recommended event, 11 examinees are satisfied with the estimation result of about 95% of 22 sets.

© 2012 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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