Online ISSN : 2424-3124
セッションID: 2A2-R04
2A2-R04 画像特徴と形状特徴を複合したランドマークに基づくGraph SLAM(移動ロボットの自己位置推定と地図構築)
岡田 伸也阿部 大地鈴木 智飯塚 浩二郎河村 隆
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In this study, we aim to achieve an autonomous locomotion of the mobile robot in the unknown indoor environment. In particular, we propose a novel landmark construction and detection method. The landmark is generated by combined image and shape features. In the landmark detection step, we represent the new matching with confidences defined automatically. The effectiveness of the proposed landmark is verified by experiment. Moreover, we introduce the novel landmark based graph SLAM. In our method, that landmark detection is performed on each node. Then, if the robot find the landmark it found once, local loop closure is generated and optimization is performed. The advantage of this method is that we can perform graph optimization before find loop-closure. The effectiveness of this proposal graph SLAM is verified by simulation and experiment.

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