Online ISSN : 2433-1325
2304 分布圧覚による仮想格子状テクスチャ呈示実験
大岡 昌博古賀 浩嗣三矢 保永
会議録・要旨集 認証あり

p. 205-206


This paper describes effective evaluation methods for a pin-typed tactile display to present virtual striped textures. Each pin of the tactile display was driven by a bimorph PZT ceramic actuator; the stroke of the pin was about 1mm. The size of the pin-array was 8-by-8; the pin-array typed tactile display was mounted on a mouse. Two display pads were produced; one's pitch of tactile pins was 1mm; the other's was 1.8mm. In order to obtain a suitable procedure for evaluating presentation capabilities of the tactile display, we compared two experimental procedures : one was a constant stimuli method in which seven human subjects judged various pairs of textures and they answered textures of each pair were same or not; the other was an adaptive method in which they adjusted a crossed-axes angle of a comparison texture to be equivalent to a standard texture. From the experimental results, it was found that both of the constant stimuli method and the adaptive method can be treated equivalently and that 1 and 1.8mm pitch displays does not cause different precision presenting virtual textures.

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