Online ISSN : 2433-1325
2523 iSIGHT の提供する多目的意志決定環境
宮田 悟志米澤 智志工藤 啓治廣安 知之三木 光範宮下 朋之
会議録・要旨集 認証あり

p. 215-216


In design process, not one characteristic but are multiple characteristics should be offten considered. If all of the characteristics have no correlation each other, design problem would be very easily solved, however, in most of actual cases, there are significant correlations between those design characteristics and it makes design review difficult. Such kind of problem has been studied as Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) or Multi-Objective Programing (MOP) by researchers and have not been perceived as general tools for designers. Nowadays, however, such kind of tasks to meet several conflicting design/production requirements became common due to heigh product requirements. And design tools, which enable designer to perform MCDM or MOP in their usual design tasks, are desired. iSIGHT is a MDO (Multi-Disciplinary Optimization) software system developed by Engineous Software Inc. and has numbers of practical applications in design optimization problems. This paper introduces current functions and recent development efforts on MCDM and MOP in iSIGHT.

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