Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: G0200305
G0200305 セメントレス人工股関節における大腿部痛の原因究明
西村 生哉見藤 歩穴口 裕子
会議録・要旨集 フリー


A cause of thigh pain after cementless THA is still uncertain. The final goal of this study is clear up the cause for thigh pain and the development of painless cementless stem. For that, the objective of this paper is to make the animal model of thigh pain and to establish the method of evaluating the pain. We made special pin that pushes from the inside and expands the rat bone. The rat that the pin was implanted was bred with the cage. The loadcells were arranged on four corners of the cage in order to calculate rat's dynamics parameters, namely, rat's position, stay rate, total movement distance, crosspoint and errorpoint. There is the resulting rat grimace scale score (RGS score) as an index that evaluates the pain that the rat feels. RGS score is a method of evaluating the pain from the rat's facial expression. On the other hand, the method of the proposal in this study is a method of evaluating the pain from the activity of the rat. This new index shall be designated as "the resulting rat activity scale score (RAS score)". RAS is more objective and more quantitative.

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