Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: G0310401
G0310401 平座金がボルト締結体座面の塑性変形に及ぼす影響(材料力学部門一般セッション:圧力容器・ねじ)
両角 由貴夫沢 俊行大宮 祐也
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Plain washers are used to increase the area of the bearing surfaces in bolted joints. It was investigated that even if the average contact stress between a washer and a clamped part was the same, a thinner washer showed larger plastic deformation at the bearing surfaces after the bolt tightening. It is thought that this is because the real contact area decreases due to the warp of the plain washer. In this paper, mean permanent sets w^^- at the bearing surfaces are calculated based on elasto-plastic FEM analyses for several bolt sizes of the hexagon head bolted joints with plain washers. The deflection parameter k_w is proposed to introduce as a equation for calculating the mean permanent set by hand easily, and it is shown that the proposed method is effective to determine appropriate thickness of a plain washer.

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