Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: G061062
G061062 微粉炭の熱分解実験([G061-06] 熱工学部門,一般セッション(6) : ふく射,燃焼(2))
松浦 弘樹村田 祥馬西村 龍夫田之上 健一郎三上 真人瀬尾 健彦
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In this report, temperature and gas generation of pulverized coal during pyrolysis under nitrogen atmospheric condition has been measured to understand heat and mass transfer before its combustion. A furnace was heated at 400 K/h until a setting temperature, TS. After that, the temperature at a wall of the furnace was kept at TS for 0.5 h. For TS = 873K, the gas flow rate had a 1^<st> peak at t = 50 min. A temperature in the packed bed, Tpc, was about 400 K at the time. So, the 1^<st> peak was caused by evaporation of water. As time elapsed, the gas flow rate became increasing at t = 65 min. The Tpc was about 490 K. For t > 65 min, the gas flow rate had a 2^<nd> peak at Tpc = 650 K with exothermic reaction, which was caused by polymerization. At TS = 1073 K, it was found that not only heat transfer but also gas generation due to the exothermic polymerization became more obvious than those at TS = 873K.

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