Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: S102013
S102013 高速走行体の応答挙動における地震動の影響
藤井 雄斗新谷 篤彦伊藤 智博中川 智皓
会議録・要旨集 フリー


We investigate running stability of the high-speed-moving vehicle subjected to the various seismic excitation. The analytical model of the vehicle consists of one body, two trucks and four wheelsets, and has a total of 21 degree of freedom. Some springs of vehicles called stoppers are modeled as a nonlinear spring in order to reduce relative displacements. The equations of motion are derived from the Lagrange equation We use the possibility of the rollover of the vehicle in order to evaluate running stability of the high-speed-moving vehicle as evaluation index. The vehicle is excited by inputting the various seismic waves of EW and UD directions simultaneously. We focus on the effect of the maximum acceleration and predominant period. The maximum acceleration and predominant period of the seismic input are modified. The response behaviors of the vehicle on the straight and the curve rail track are simulated with the modified seismic input.

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