Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: J027041
J027041 "Haptic Map"に基づいた感覚提示装置の製作
近井 学白井 奈穂美三宅 仁
会議録・要旨集 フリー


The purpose of this study is to develop a haptic perception device evoking five elements (pressure, vibration, warmth, coldness, and pain) in different conventional those ways. The 3D Haptic Map was proposed as the representation method by the device. It contained X axis: a temperature shift axis displaying both warmth and coldness, Y axis: a pressure shift axis displaying both pressure and pain, Z axis: a time shift axis displaying vibration. The display was consisted of the peltier device, the pressure sensor, and the DC vibration motor on the basis of the map. An evaluation experiment was carried out on 30 subjects of early 20s. The experiment method was that they were ordered to put their fingertip on the device. After presenting senses, they answered orally subjectively-perceived senses. From these results showed that the device was able to display the five elements. In the vibration and warmth/coldness combination experiment, the pseudo-sense (e.g. itch, sore) expressed on their fingertip, instead of warmth/coldness. Thus, the device using the map was able to display both the five elements sense and the pseudo-sense, instead of the sense itself evoked by the physically presented stimuli.

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