Online ISSN : 2424-2667
ISSN-L : 2424-2667
セッションID: G050054
G050054 軸流ファンブレードへの着氷におけるスタガ角の影響([G05005]流体工学部門一般セッション(5):流体機器1)
簑谷 賢和平元 理峰室岡 武宍戸 進一郎
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Occurrence of ice accretion in a jet engine causes aerodynamic performance degradation, and may lead to serious damage to stator vanes and compressors when ice comes off and penetrates inside the jet engine. In particular, ice accretion on a pressure side of fan blade in a jet engine is a significant matter, and it is thought that location and amount of the ice accretion are closely related to stagger angle of the fan blades. In the present study, super cooled water droplets generated by a spray nozzle were drawn in an axial fan in a temperature controlled room, and observations and mass measurements of ice accretion on the fan blade were carried out with different stagger angles. Results revealed that ice accretion decreased on a pressure side of fan blades, and increased near a leading edge on a suction side of fan blades with a small stagger angle.

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