Online ISSN : 2424-2756
セッションID: 1211
1211 誘導加熱時に発生する電磁場を用いた導電率測定法に関する研究(GS-6 熱物性,研究発表講演)
松島 栄次北條 勝彦
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Functionally Graded Material (FGM) has been developed as the element that can stand at high temperatures. FGM is a non-homogeneous material and information about distribution of thermo-physical properties is demanded to evaluate its heat resistance. So we develop a new method to measure thermo-physical properties using induction heating. However distribution of electric conductivity in the material must be estimated so that a depth of induction heating is dependent upon the conductivity. Then a method to measure the distribution is investigated by detecting intensity of electromagnetic field and phase difference of that at induction heating. The method uses a theoretical solution for the data reduction on the assumption that FGM is a multi-layers material composed of various substances differing in property. A single layer material is studied as fundamentals of multi-layers material. This report describes a comparison between analyses of electromagnetic field and experiments of that.

© 2005 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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