北陸信越支部総会・講演会 講演論文集
Online ISSN : 2424-2772
セッションID: 902
902 サッカーのヘディングにおける子供モデルでの頭部衝撃の解析(OS10-1 バイオエンジニアリング(2):生体計測・評価)
吉田 直人金子 竜也和田 有司弓削 康平高尾 洋之大橋 洋輝渡辺 大
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Heading impact influences on brain during a soccer game such as concussion have been repeatedly reported in the statistical or neuropsychological basis. Even though, overall evaluations or conclusions have yet to be determined because few report have discussed the heading impact in the point of mechanics inside the brain. In this paper, a numerical impact analysis between a computed-tomography oriented voxel model on human head and a soccer ball expressed by shell elements has been performed. We prepared the head model of child and adult, the soccer ball for children and adults. We investigate the analysis results in the point of maximum principal strain and head injury criterion (HIC). The child head is modeled to be 0.9 times the size of the adult models from ratio of head circumference. The child ball model is 0.93 times the size of the adult ball models by the FIFA provisions size. We perform analysis on adult soccer ball and adult (Case a), child's soccer ball and the child (Case b). Case a maximum principal strain is 5.9% in the spinal cord, HIC is 102. Case b maximum principal strain is 4.6% in the spinal cord, HIC is 75.5.

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