Online ISSN : 2424-2896
セッションID: OS2-10

Level Set法とCCUP法による自由落下する液滴の数値解析
*吉井 健祐黒田 明慈
キーワード: CCUP, Level Set, two phase flow
会議録・要旨集 認証あり


Researches on free fall of liquid droplets have been conducted for a long time. And in these days numerical simulations of two-phase flow are carried out. However, there are few numerical analyses of long term free fall of a liquid droplet. In this study, we tried to reproduce the free fall phenomenon of a liquid droplet by numerical analysis. A two-phase flow analysis program was developed based on CCUP method and Level Set method. And the numerical analysis of a droplet falling in still air was performed. The droplet diameter was 2 mm. Analysis is performed on a supercomputer, using MPI parallel and OMP parallel. The falling velocity of droplet converged to 3 m/s as terminal velocity. The droplet showed a vertically stretched shape at terminal velocity. These are inconsistent with observations by previous researchers, the terminal velocity is about 6 m/s, and the droplet shows an umbrella shape.

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