Online ISSN : 2424-2969
セッションID: 443
443 吸着における繊維状活性炭充填層内の熱及び物質伝達(省エネルギー(IV))(空気調和・冷凍技術)
石川 立剛濱本 芳徳シャハ ビデュット バラン秋澤 淳柏木 孝夫
会議録・要旨集 フリー


Adsorption refrigerator driven by waste heat at low temperature and regenerative energy is effective cooling machine at the point of energy saving and global environmental problem. The refrigeration system performance depends on the charactorlistics of adsorption reactor. Experiments were performed for heat and mass transfer in a packed bed of activated carbon fiber adsorbing water vapor or methyl alcohol vapor. The adsorption rate of methyl alcohol vapor, and the rate both methyl alcohol and water vapor decrease as the bed thickness increased. It was confirmed that this reduction attributed to a resistance to heat conduction within the bed. The influence of volumetric rate of bed on adsorption rate was examined. In a compressed carbon fiber bed ,that is a high volumetric rate bed, it was confirmed that the adsorption rate and amount of adsorbed water or methyl alcohol per volume of the bed increased. It suggests the reduction of a reactor size.

© 2001 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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