Dynamics & Design Conference
Online ISSN : 2424-2993

細矢 直基吉田 侑樹前田 真吾梶原 逸朗AMBROZIŃSKI ŁukaszPieczonka Łukasz
会議録・要旨集 認証あり

p. 203-


This paper proposes a methodology to adjust an excitation force amplitude generated by laser-induced plasma shock wave. To realize a remote sensing technique, we investigate a non-contact method to vibrate target mechanical structures or infrastructures to be inspected using laser ablation or laser-induced plasma shock wave. Laser ablation damages an excitation point of the structures because the laser beam is irradiated to the point. Laser-induced plasma shock wave is completely non-destructive method, but the amplitude of the excitation force of laser-induced plasma shock wave is less than that of laser ablation. Furthermore, laser-induced plasma shock wave is spherical, and only a portion of the wave is used to vibrate the target structures. In our experiment, an acoustic lens is used to focus laser-induced plasma shock wave, allowing a control the amplitude of the excitation force of that.

© 2020 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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