Dynamics & Design Conference
Online ISSN : 2424-2993
セッションID: 619
619 手指有限要素モデルの構築と骨折を考慮した衝撃シミュレーション(傷害解析・予防,OS-7 ヒューマンダイナミクス,総合テーマ「伝統を,未来へ!」)
神谷 誠治Jonas A. PRAMUDITAHyung-Yun CHOI宇治橋 貞幸渡邊 竜司中村 俊康
会議録・要旨集 フリー


In this study, finger bone fracture simulation method due to pinching was developed. Finger finite element (FE) model was created from CT images of a Japanese male. Material properties of the model were taken from data published previously. In order to realistically represent bone fracture patterns under various loading, EWK rupture model in PAM-CRASH was utilized. The EWK rupture model parameters were determined by comparing the finger model response to reported fracture patterns at long bone under tension, compression, torsion and bending loadings. Finger pinch simulations were conducted under three different conditions including different impactor position and impact direction. Possibility of predicting finger bone fracture patterns from impact conditions using the finger FE model was shown.

© 2010 一般社団法人 日本機械学会
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