Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the problem of the formation of functional literacy of younger schoolchildren by the example of technical creativity in associations of additional education for children. The activity of the Center for Additional Education for Children of Technical Orientation, existing in the mode of the experimental site of the Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education, is described. The interpretation of the results of monitoring is presented, with the help of which the expectations of younger schoolchildren and their parents were tracked in connection with the participation of children in the program of additional education in robotechnics on the Arduino platform and its basic modules.

additional education; younger schoolchildren; technical creativity; functional literacy; educational achievements; robotechnics; Arduino platform; experimental activity; monitoring; upbringing; development; socialization; expectations of children and their parents.

В настоящее время все большую актуальность приобретает изучение и апробация новых методов обучения и воспитания младших школьников, ориентированных на постоянное развитие ребенка, формирование у него функциональной грамотности.


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