Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Labour of Russia from 25.12.2014 n 1115n from January 1, 2017 came into force many occupation standards to be applied in the field of education, including occupational standard of educator. In the Letter of the Russian Ministry of Education from 03.03.2015 n 08–241 “On the postponement of the application of occupational standard of the educator” it is not recommended to apply till 01.01.2017 to the teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities, qualification requirements established by the occupational standard of educator (including the definition of the need for professional training and certification). This article describes the legal basis of the introduction of professional standards at the level of the educational organization and provides recommendations for their use.

education, education organization, occupational standard, occupational standard of educator, pedagogical worker.

Подлежат ли обязательному применению профессиональные стандарты педагогических работников

С 1 июля 2016 г., согласно ст. 195.3 Трудового кодекса Российской Федерации (далее — ТК РФ), требования профессиональных стандартов обязательны для применения работодателем в части квалификации, необходимой работнику для выполнения определенной трудовой функции, если такие требования установлены ТК РФ, другими федеральными законами, иными нормативными правовыми актами.


1. Federal’nyy zakon ot 29.12.2012 № 273-FZ «Ob obrazovanii v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» [Federal Law of 29.12.2012 number 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”].

2. Federal’nyy zakon ot 03.07.2016 № 238-FZ «O nezavisimoy otsenke kvalifikatsii» [The federal law from 03.07.2016 n 238-FZ “On the independent evaluation of the qualification”].

3. Trudovoy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii [The Labour Code of the Russian Federation].

4. Prikaz Mintruda Rossii ot 18.10.2013 № 544n «Ob utverzhdenii professional’nogo standarta «Pedagog (pedagogicheskaya deyatel’nost’ v sfere doshkol’nogo, nachal’nogo obshchego, osnovnogo obshchego, srednego obshchego obrazovaniya) (vospitatel’, uchitel’)» [Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia from 18.10.2013 n 544n “On approval of the professional standard” The teacher (educational activities in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary education) (tutor, teacher) “].

5. Prikaz Mintruda Rossii ot 08.09.2015 № 608n «Ob utverzhdenii professional’nogo standarta «Pedagog professional’nogo obucheniya, professional’nogo obrazovaniya i dopolnitel’nogo professional’nogo obrazovaniya» [Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia from 08.09.2015 n 608n “On approval of the professional standard” teachers of vocational training, vocational training and additional professional education”].

6. Prikaz Mintruda Rossii ot 08.09.2015 № 613n «Ob utverzhdenii professional’nogo standarta «Pedagog dopolnitel’nogo obrazovaniya detey i vzroslykh» [Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia from 08.09.2015 n 613n “On approval of the professional standard” The teacher of an additional education of children and adults “].

7. Prikaz Mintruda Rossii ot 24.07.2015 № 514n «Ob utverzhdenii professional’nogo standarta «Pedagogpsikholog (psikholog v sfere obrazovaniya)» [Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia from 24.07.2015 n 514n “On approval of the professional standard” Teacher-psychologist (a psychologist in the field of education) “].

8. Prikaz Minobrnauki RF ot 12.01.2005 № 4 «Ob utverzhdenii Perechnya napravleniy podgotovki (spetsial’nostey) vysshego professional’nogo obrazovaniya» [Order of the Ministry of Education of theRussian Federation of 12.01.2005 № 4 “On Approving the List of areas of training (specialties) of higher education”].

9. Prikaz Minzdravsotsrazvitiya RF ot 26.08.2010 № 761n «Ob utverzhdenii Edinogo kvalifikatsionnogo spravochnika dolzhnostey rukovoditeley, spetsialistov i sluzhashchikh, razdel «Kvalifikatsionnye kharakteristiki dolzhnostey rabotnikov obrazovaniya» [Order of the Health Ministry of the Russian Federation of 26.08.2010 № 761n “On approval of the Unified Qualification schedule of heads, experts and employees’ qualification characteristics of workers of education” section].

10. Pis’mo Minobrnauki Rossii ot 24.06.2014 № AK-1666/05 «Ob ustanovlenii sootvetstviy pri utverzhdenii novykh perechney professiy, spetsial’nostey i napravleniy podgotovki ukazannym v predydushchikh perechnyakh professiy, spetsial’nostey i napravleniy podgotovki» [Letter of the Russian Ministry of 24.06.2014 № AK-1666/05 “On establishing correspondences in approving lists of new professions, specialties and areas of training referred to in the previous list of professions, specialties and areas of training”].

11. Pis’mo Minobrnauki Rossii ot 10.08.2015 № 08-1240 «O kvalifikatsionnykh trebovaniyakh k pedagogicheskim abotnikam organizatsiy, realizuyushchikh programmy doshkol’nogo i obshchego obrazovaniya » [Letter of the Russian Ministry of 10.08.2015 № 08-1240 «On the qualification requirements for teaching staff organizations implementing preschool and general education programs”].

12. Pis’mo Mintruda Rossii ot 04.04.2016 № 14-0/10/V-2253 «Otvety na tipovye voprosy po primeneniyu professional’nykh standartov» [Letter from the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 04.04.2016 № 14-0 / 10/2253-In “Answers to the sample questions on the application of professional standards”].

13. Pis’mo Minobrnauki Rossii ot 12.02.2016 № 09-PG-MON-814 «O rassmotrenii obrashcheniya» [Letter of the Russian Ministry of 12.02.2016 № 09-PG-MON-814 “On consideration of the appeal”].

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