Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines modern problems of teaching philosophy in high school. The attention is paid on issues such as reducing the demand for philosophical knowledge in students, especially students of technical specialties. This problem is considered in the context of social-cultural transformations of modern society and its priorities – innovative development, information of the social relations, the relevance of technological skills and applied knowledge among the younger generation. We studied the relation of philosophical knowledge to the needs and value orientations of the modern generation. The authors study the main myths of social consciousness of generation Y: lazy, need to serve instantly the needs, malevolence toward others, selfishness and spoiled. For the analysis of values of modern generation there was used the concept of an American coach-coach B. Hobart about the generation Y. There are the results of regional studies on issues of vital resources of modern man. There is updated the main problem of the young generation – the problem of shortage of vital resources, which are expressed in three dimensions: lack of knowledge, lack of communication and lack of time. The authors analyze the core values of generation Y – the resource knowledge and the resource of freedom of personal choice. Taking into account the transformation of the needs of the students they describe technology lectures on philosophy. They present such contemporary methods of training as brainstorming, method and method criteria. There is an example of the structure and key concepts of the lecture to University students on the topic “Consciousness as a philosophical category”. As necessary components of philosophy education, the authors today highlight the practical orientation, the technological component of practical training, as well as the increasing demands for the preparation of the contemporary teacher in philosophy.

philosophy, education, needs, values, generation Y

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