Abstract (English):
The textbook discusses the features of the cult architecture of a number of Eastern countries. These are architectural monuments, the main types of temples, as well as the style trends of the main denominations of India, China, Japan, the region of Southeast Asia, Arab-Muslim countries, the Orthodox East, etc. The problem of cultural interaction between the West and the East in the context of architectural science and globalization in architecture is presented. It contains not only a theoretical part, but also a practical one, including the methodology for performing analytical work on this course, methods of architectural research of monuments, topics of scientific abstracts aimed at in-depth assimilation of theoretical material, as well as lists of recommended literature. The textbook completes the thesaurus of architectural terms. Meets the current requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. For students of educational institutions of higher education — future architects, designers and art historians, for students studying related disciplines: urban planning, cultural studies, art history, design, etc., as well as for graduate students and teachers of architectural faculties and universities. It can be useful to all those who are interested in architectural monuments of world confessions.