Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to innovative game methods of teaching the in career-oriented work of the teacher. The methods developed in the form of game technology has communicative and at the same time professionally oriented on the content of tasks focus, and aimed at improving the professional skills of employees of educational institutions.Different in content games allow to create elements of situationality, update team skills, reveal leadership and performing qualities, discover the creative potential, promote social adaptation of students. The apparent advantage of innovative game methods of teaching is also its upbringing potential. Such forms as brain-ring and training are considered the most detail. Brain-ring belongs to the not imitation gaming methods and is the most attractive to young people due to the dynamic, competitive nature. The training, consisting of business and role-playing games, numerous exercises and specific tasks, aims to the development of knowledge and skills, and formation of social attitudes. These interactive methods make it possible to adjust and improve communication, general cultural and professional competence. Innovative technologies with communicative orientation focused on the development of verbal and non-verbal components of communicative competence, extension of possibilities for dia-and polylogic communication, systematization of knowledge about the kinds and means of business communication, improving the skills of business presentations and negotiations. The interdisciplinary nature of the game tasks can solve not only specific professional task to motivate the choice of working specialty, but also expand the humanitarian horizon. Tasks historical and linguistic and cultural character helping revive the ideas and knowledge about traditional national culture and moral values and features of Russian cultural world, stimulate the interest to Russian language, cultivate patriotic feelings.

game technology, communication skills, professionally oriented tasks, brain-ring, training

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