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Transcription factor motif quality assessment requires systematic comparative analysis

[version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]
PUBLISHED 11 Dec 2015
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Transcription factor (TF) binding site prediction remains a challenge in gene regulatory research due to degeneracy and potential variability in binding sites in the genome. Dozens of algorithms designed to learn binding models (motifs) have generated many motifs available in research papers with a subset making it to databases like JASPAR, UniPROBE and Transfac. The presence of many versions of motifs from the various databases for a single TF and the lack of a standardized assessment technique makes it difficult for biologists to make an appropriate choice of binding model and for algorithm developers to benchmark, test and improve on their models. In this study, we review and evaluate the approaches in use, highlight differences and demonstrate the difficulty of defining a standardized motif assessment approach. We review scoring functions, motif length, test data and the type of performance metrics used in prior studies as some of the factors that influence the outcome of a motif assessment. We show that the scoring functions and statistics used in motif assessment influence ranking of motifs in a TF-specific manner. We also show that TF binding specificity can vary by source of genomic binding data. Finally, we demonstrate that information content of a motif is not in isolation a measure of motif quality but is influenced by TF binding behaviour. We conclude that there is a need for an easy-to-use tool that presents all available evidence for a comparative analysis.


Motif assessment, Motif comparison, Motif scoring functions, ChIP-seq, Motif enrichment, Motif quality


Understanding gene regulation remains a long-standing problem in biological research. The main players, transcription factors (TFs), are proteins that bind to short and potentially degenerate sequence patterns (motifs) at gene regulatory sites to promote or repress expression of target genes. The search for a code to predict binding sites and model binding affinity of TFs has led to several experimental techniques and motif discovery algorithms being developed (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Evolution of motif scoring functions with experimental techniques and algorithms.

Tompa et al.15 and Hu et al.16 assessed the motifs by binding site prediction while Orenstein et al.25 and Weirauch et al.6 used scoring. The scoring techniques are colour coded for the motif discovery or assessment where they were used.

A position weight matrix (PWM) is the common form of representing TF binding specificity. For a motif of length L, the corresponding PWM is a 4×L matrix of probabilities of observing a base b (A, C, G or T) at position i through L. Other variations have been introduced14, but a PWM remains popular due to its simplicity and ease of use as well as the ease of visualizing a PWM using a sequence logo5. Besides, Weirauch et al. showed that a well-trained PWM performs comparably to more complex models6. Motifs can be found using a variety of methods including algorithms that do de novo motif discovery from sequences containing binding sites79 and in vitro methods such as protein binding microarrays (PBM)10 and high-throughput systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (HT-SELEX)11.

Initially, the low resolution of the available experimental techniques for TF binding specificity detection was a hindrance to the quality of binding models. However, next generation sequencing and techniques like chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by deep sequencing (ChIP-seq)12 and exonuclease cleavage in ChIP-exo13 that measure TF in vivo occupancy, have improved the resolution to single-nucleotide level. In addition to providing high resolution data for motif discovery, they are a useful resource to test the quality of the available motifs since they are TF specific. However, no benchmark capable of assessing the growing range of published motifs is available, with largely subjective quality measures14.

Despite the advance in techniques analysing TF binding specificity, both in vitro and in vivo, the quality of models derived has not improved in a comparative measure. Although this may be explained by the saturation of PWM models’ ability to describe TF binding, the lack of a robust approach to test the quality of the model and maximize the best-performing ones is also probable. How are the algorithms being developed, tested and improved? Furthermore, the number of motif finding algorithms from dissimilar data sets and subsequently the number of motif models for a single TF generated, continue to increase. There are at least 44 PWM motif models available in 14 different databases for Hnf4a alone. How does the end-user decide which motif to use? In this study, we review and test the approaches used to evaluate TF binding models.

Review of motif assessment approaches

The available motif assessment techniques can be divided into three categories: assess by binding site prediction, motif comparison or by sequence scoring, and classification.

Binding site prediction. Early review and assessment of motif-finding algorithms tested tools on the ability to predict sites, known or inserted into the sequence. Tompa et al. tested motif discovery algorithms by their ability to predict sites of inserted motifs using statistical measures for site sensitivity and correlation coefficient15. In this first comprehensive study, they found that a motif assessment problem is complex and admitted inserting random motifs fails to capture the biological condition of TF binding. Later, Hu et al.16 used real RegulonDB binding data in a large-scale analysis of five motif-finding algorithms. The tools available at that time performed poorly–“15–25% accuracy at the nucleotide level and 25–35% at the binding site level for sequences of 400 nt long”–largely due to the poor quality of RegulonDB annotations17.

Sandev and colleagues1820 tested motif discovery algorithms using sequences with real and inserted binding sites as benchmarks; from Transfac, and the third-order Markov model respectively. Quest and colleagues21 developed the Motif Tool Assessment Platform (MTAP) as an automated test of motif discovery tools. However, this was computationally expensive and was made obsolete by new experimental data and algorithms.

The most comprehensive assessment based on binding site prediction so far has been by the Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools (RSAT) consortium. In their ‘matrix quality’ script, they use theoretical – information content (IC) and E-values – and empirical scores computed by predicting binding sites in RegulonDB, ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq positive and negative control sequences17.

Inadequate knowledge of TF binding sites has mainly hampered the ability to assess motifs and algorithms by binding site prediction. Predicting binding sites that are inserted or known in the sequences cannot accurately identify unknown true sites. Techniques that identify such sites may be penalized. Until TF binding sites are well annotated, this technique cannot be confidently utilized.

Motif comparison. Novel motifs can be assessed by comparison to ‘reference motifs’ using the sum of square deviation, Euclidean distance and other statistics that measure divergence between two PWMs22,23. Thomas-Chollier et al. proposed a motif comparison approach for their RSAT algorithm where they combine multiple metrics, including Pearson’s correlation, width normalized correlation, logo dot product, correlation of IC, normalized Sandelinâ-Wasserman, sum of squared distances and normalized Euclidean similarity for each matrix pair24. They then unified all of these scores to ranks whereby the mean of the ranks is considered the overall score.

Assessing motifs by comparison, as currently implemented, only tests similarity to the available motifs with little information on quality and ranks of the motifs. It assumes accuracy of ‘reference motifs’, with no way of assessing novel ones. In addition, the definition of ‘reference motifs’ remains largely subjective.

Assessment by scoring. Motif assessment has since shifted towards scoring positive sequences known to contain binding sites and negative background sequences without binding sites, driven by high-throughput sequencing techniques6,2527. This avoids the need to identify binding sites a priori by focusing on the ability to classify the two sets of sequences. The differences in the assessments arise from the choice of sequences to use as positive and negative, the thresholds used to identify binding sites, the length of the sequences in both sets, the scoring function and the statistic used to quantify the performance of the tool.

For ChIP-seq data, the main difference is that the length of sequences (250bp25, 600bp27, 100bp6 or 60bp28) and the choice of negative sets (300bp downstream25,27; random sequences, 5000bp from a transcription start site (TSS) or random genomic sequences6, or flanking sequences28) used. In addition Agius et al.28, tested PWMs and support vector regression (SVR) models in the 36bp sliding window of the test sequences, a deviation from the rest of the techniques. All these differences, in addition to the scoring functions and statistics used, can lead to variations in the results of comparative analyses. Users and algorithm developers therefore have to frequently re-invent the wheel to test their tools.

Figure 1 shows the evolution of experimental motif discovery assessment techniques. We have not focused on the experimental techniques or motif discovery algorithms as excellent reviews are already available14,29. Rather, we focus on TF binding models represented as a PWM and aim to determine how the choice and length of benchmark sequences, scoring functions, and the statistics influence motif assessment. We hope that this study will highlight some of the pitfalls in the previous motif assessments and advise design of a standard in motif assessment that will ensure comparability and reuse of results.



Human uniform ChIP-seq data were downloaded from the ENCODE consortium30 ( For each peak file, we used BEDTools v2.17.031 to extract the 500 highest scored sequences (after eliminating repeat masked sites) of 50, 100, and 250bp centred on the ChIP-seq peaks as a positive set. A similar negative set was extracted 500bp downstream from the positive sequences.

We used motifs from a number of databases and publications listed in Table 1. We converted these motifs from their various formats into MEME format and scored the positive and negative sequences with GOMER, occupancy, energy and log-odds scoring functions. We quantify how each motif performs using AUC, Spearman’s, MNCP and Pearson correlation (Figure 2). This was implemented in a Python module which is available free from This repository also contains raw data and an Ipython notebook that documents how to reproduce the analysis we describe in this paper.

Table 1. Source of motifs used in the analysis.

“Source” refers to the experimental technique used to generate the motifs.

TF2DNA3D Structures131437
3DFOOTPRINT3D Structures29740

Figure 2. Methodology flow diagram.

We show the source databases, data processing and scoring techniques used in the analysis.

Scoring functions

When testing motifs by scoring ChIP-seq data, multiple scoring functions are available, which may affect the outcome. In the section that follows, we describe the scoring functions tested, as well as provide a review of how they have been previously applied.

GOMER scoring. The GOMER scoring framework was introduced by Granek et al.44 but adapted for PBM sequence scoring45,46. It seeks to compute the probability g(siΘ) that a TF, given PWM Θ, will bind to at least one of the sub-sequences (k) of Si of length L, where L is the length (number of sites) of the PWM model. This assumes that each site can be bound independently.


See Chen et al.45 for more details.

Occupancy score. The occupancy score calculates the occupancy of a PWM (Θ) of length l for subsequence of length k as the product of the probabilities of each base in S using Equation 1.


For a sequence, the sum of the occupancies of all subsequences (sum occupancy)25,47, the maximum score (maximum occupancy)27, or the average occupancy (average motif affinity–AMA) have been used.

Sum occupancy is defined in Equation 3:


BEEML-PBM energy scoring. The energy scoring framework of binding energy estimation by maximum likelihood for protein binding microarrays (BEEML-PBM)4, computes the logarithm of base frequencies with the idea that this is proportional to the energy contributions of the bases. The binding energy at each location is computed; the lower the binding energy, the higher the binding affinity. It has mainly been used to score PBM data6,27.

The probability that sequence Si is bound is given by Equation 4,


where, for a sequence S of length T, E(Si) is given Equation 5,


for binding site of length L, (b, m) is the energy contribution of base b while Si(b, m) is an indicator function of site m (1 with base b, 0 otherwise).

Log likelihood scoring. In log likelihood scoring, used by a majority of the MEME Suite tools48, the score for a given site is the sum of the log-odds ratios at a PWM at the match site. For a sequence S of length N scored using PWM Θ, the log-odds score is given by Equation 6,


where p the background probability and l is the indicator function for base b at position i (1 with base, 0 otherwise).

The score for a given sequence can then be derived by summing individual scores or by finding the maximum score. Sum log-odd scoring has generally been used by MEME Suite tools while maximum log-odds scoring has also been used to compare motifs represented differently (PWM, k-mer and SVM models) against one another27,28. Each of these approaches has inherent advantages but may produce inconsistent results.

Statistical measures of performance

With the scores of each motif for the sequences acquired, binding prediction can be evaluated by various statistics. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC)49 has been widely used, especially with the advent of PBM6,25,45. In addition to popularizing AUC, Clarke et al.49 also introduced a novel metric, minimum normalized conditional probability (MNCP), for quantifying the correlation between DNA features and gene regulation. This statistic has been applied in motif assessment in GIMME motifs50 and is said to be less affected by the presence of false positives compared with AUC since it places emphasis on true positives. We use MNCP to test how it contributes to better prediction in an effort to encourage its use.

Pearson and Spearman’s rank correlation are still widely used as a measure of motif performance. Spearman’s rank correlation has been used for PBM and ChIP-seq sequences25 while Pearson’s correlation was used by Weirauch et al.6. However, Weirauch et al. cautioned on the use of Spearman’s correlation for PBM data citing its inability to exclude low intensity probes. We wish to check the usefulness of correlation in motif assessment.

In addition to comparing the scoring approaches, we use CentriMo version 4.10.0 in differential mode51 – an option that tests differences in motif enrichment between two sequence sets – in a novel way for motif assessment. We set differential mode parameters for local rather than central enrichment of all the input motifs in the positive (primary) and negative (control) set, as described in the Data section above, by using a very large threshold. The negative log of the E-value is used as the measure of a motif’s enrichment and rank. Motif enrichment has previously been performed43 using the FIMO algorithm52 to scan for motif matches in sequences and calculate an enrichment value.


Length of sequences has a little effect on motif performance

The size of the putative binding region – length of the sequences in each data set – is to some extent a proxy for how accurate the ChIP-seq experiment was. If the result was accurate a narrow region should contain the true site.

For the three variants of sequence length, we did not observe a significant effect (p=0.113, for 50 and 100; p=0.0545, 50 and 250; p=0.678, 100 and 250bp–Wilcoxon rank-sum test) on the scoring of the sequences (Figure 3). The scores assigned for each sequence length, however, seems to indicate how the TFs bind. Motifs with higher scores at lower sequence length (50 or 250bp) are generally enriched at the ChIP-seq peak, which is also a strong indicator of direct binding53. This is consistent with a previous observation that a successful ChIP-seq experiment localizes binding within about 100bp of the true site54. Others with significantly better AUC values at 250bp sequence length like Elf1 (p=0.017, Wilcoxon rank-sum test) and Sp1 (p=0.013, Wilcoxon rank-sum test)55, are known to bind cooperatively.


Figure 3. Effect of sequence length.

Using all the motifs for the 15 TFs, we tested the effect of sequence length (50bp, 100bp and 250bp) using GOMER scoring on ChIP-seq data. Performance is quantified using AUC values.

Tissue or cell line of the data could affect enrichment

Transcription factors bind to their possible sites in a sequence-specific manner. Some actually have alternative binding motifs depending on the tissue or cell line. Unless the interest is tissue-specific binding, if more than one set of data is available, an average should be used. For example, as shown in Figure 4, the Foxa motif from the POUR data set is significantly differentially enriched only in the A549 cell line and not so much in the other cell lines.


Figure 4. Cell line specific binding.

The cluster map displays how some motifs are specific to certain cell lines. Foxa motifs used to score 5 cell lines using energy scoring and quantified with AUC values. Similar results are obtained with other scoring functions.

In light of this possible effect, the results displayed throughout this paper are based on the mean score of all the available ChIP-seq data sets to avoid a bias towards cell line-specific motifs.

AUC and MNCP scores capture different information

Generally, the AUC and MNCP statistics are in strong agreement. However, in some situations like Hnf4a and Ctcf, they are not (Figure 5). The motifs that are ranked higher only by MNCP are generally long or with high IC (Table 2). Those are highly specific motifs confirming that MNCP prefers specific motifs, which will have more true positives. When energy scoring is used, there is agreement between the scores assigned by AUC and MNCP hinting that, like MNCP, energy scoring also puts emphasis on true positive hits.


Figure 5. Ctcf motif scores based on GOMER and energy functions and ranked on GOMER AUC scores.

We score the positive sets of sequences using GOMER and energy functions and quantify performance using AUC, MNCP. Results show some motifs ranked poorly by GOMER AUC scores. However, the scores are in agreement in when energy scoring is used.

Table 2. Long and high IC motifs favoured by energy and MNCP.


Effect of scoring function is transcription factor specific

We tested the ability of PWM models to discriminate positive (top 500 peaks of width 100bp centred on the peak) and negative (500 peaks 100bp wide located 500bp downstream from the positive) sequence sets using five scoring functions. Maximum and sum log-odds scoring had low discriminative power for most of the motifs when all three statistical measures are used (Figure 6). However, sum log-odds scoring had some good performance (over 0.55 AUC scores) for some TF motifs like Max, Nrf1, Tcf3 and Pax5.


Figure 6. Effect of scoring function on motif ranking using AUC statistic.

Sumlog: Sum log-odds function, Sumoc: sum occupancy score.


Figure 7. Effect of scoring function on motif ranking based on MNCP statistic.

There is no significant difference in performance when GOMER, energy or occupancy scores (sum, maximum and AMA) are used for scoring (Figure 6) with AUC statistic (see Table_S1 for details of statistical significance). Also, we did not observe any significant difference (p=0.85, Wilcoxon rank-sum test) between sum occupancy and maximum (Table 3), contrary to a claim by Orenstein et al.25. The variation in the scores is particularly reduced when MNCP statistic is used (Figure 7); though Ctcf, Egr1 and Hnf4a score significantly higher in energy. For other TFs like Pou2f2 and Esrra, the preference is reversed. These observations are reflective of the inherent features of the scoring functions or the statistics used.

Table 3. Mean scores and Standard deviation (SD) of AUC and MNCP for scoring functions.

Sumlog: Sum log-odds function, Sumoc: sum occupancy score.

Mean AUC0.680.660.50.66
Median AUC0.70.670.480.64
Mean MNCP1.361.360.981.36
MNCP SD0.270.320.140.32

Motif length and information content

Motif length has little bearing on the quality of motif, independent of other factors. However, specific motifs with very high IC such as those from POUR have a lower performance (Figure 8). In the same light, those motifs with low IC also have a lower performance in vivo.


Figure 8. Effect of motif length and IC on scoring functions.

For each motif, the information content is calculated based on information theory for the whole length as well as normalized for length. The results for AMA and max occupancy are similar to sum occupancy, and are not included.

The heat map in Figure 8 shows how the motif scores from the four discriminative functions correlate with motif length, full-length IC and average IC. The examples have no consistent correlation between the IC and the scores (Figure 8A). However, there is a negative correlation between both the total IC and motif length, and the scores except for sum log-odds scoring, which has no significant correlation (p=0.34, correlation p-value). This shows that motif length, rather than the IC of the motifs, negatively influences the scores assigned by these functions. This is not a general rule. Some TFs exemplify a different scenario. For example, Egr1 (Figure 8B) has a strong positive correlation between IC and scores and a negative correlation with motif length, showing that it has a highly specific binding site56. Mef2a, on the other hand, has a positive correlation between motif length and scores showing preference for longer low information motifs (Figure 8C). This could also reflect variability in binding sites. Ctcf has the highest negative correlation for average IC, with a neutral to positive correlation for motif length (Figure 8D), which may indicate preference for longer low IC motifs.

Comparison of motif databases

We have shown that the effect of scoring algorithms is TF-specific. We also test to see how, overall, the different databases (DBs) are ranked against each other. For TFs with more than one motif in a given DB, we use the best performing one to represent the DB. We also use motif enrichment-based assessment using CentriMo version 4.10.0 to provide more evidence to scoring based techniques’ results. Motif enrichment analysis compares how various motifs in foreground sequences are enriched compared with background sequences. In comparing how two or more motifs for the same TF perform, the level of enrichment of the motif in sequences known to contain possible binding sites of the TF compared to some background should provide a measure of the quality of the motif.

Figure 9 provides a summary of ranking of the various databases for the given TFs. We observed that the performance of a majority of the motif databases did not differ much, except for TF2DNA motifs, but the ranking or the performance of individual motifs differs. This further supports the observation of TF-specific performance of scoring function, algorithms and DBs. It also shows that no single database currently outperforms the others for all TFs. There is agreement in ranking of the best (ZLAB and HOCOMOCO) and worst performing (TF2DNA and SWISSREGULON) DBs. We observe that, compared with GOMER (Figure 9A), the score for all DBs drops when using energy (Figure 9B) except for POUR motifs. This shows that POUR motifs, or at least the best performing ones, are favoured by energy scoring. It is also noteworthy that POUR and GUERTIN DB motifs, discovered and tested on ENCODE ChIP-seq data, perform poorly.


Figure 9. Ranking of motif databases.

We compare the motif databases by using the best ranking for each motif using GOMER and energy AUC and MNCP values, and CentriMo enrichment values.


We have described a comparative analysis on the effect of scoring functions, ChIP-seq test data processing and statistics on motif assessment. We chose to focus on TF binding models represented as PWM, since it is most commonly used. The review reveals the complexity of the motif assessment problem, showing no appropriate solution is available so far. The available techniques focus on testing motif algorithms or the experimental techniques used, but little has been done to compare the available motifs for a given TF. There is a need for a tool, accessible and easy to use by end-users, to aid in choosing motifs.

The use of 100 or 250bp sequence length provides necessary discrimination for the TFs tested (Figure 3). The performance was also found to be TF specific, an observation that could reflect inherent binding behaviour; direct, indirect or cooperative binding of the TF. This supports the observation that direct binding can be inferred from ChIP-seq peaks53. We also confirm that 100bp provides acceptable specificity in motif assessment given that most TF binding sites are less than 30bp54.

Since TF binding is cell line specific57, users should be aware of bias caused by use of one cell line in an assessment. We observe that the use of more than one cell line reduces the bias towards cell line specific motifs (Figure 4).

The MNCP rank-order metric is similar to AUC but derived by plotting true positive hits against all sequences’ scores. This places emphasis on true positives, and therefore, less affected by false positives. Our analysis confirms this observation and demonstrates the power of MNCP compared with AUC, which penalize specific motifs (Figure 5). We propose that energy scoring has the same benefit, though further research may be needed to validate this. Although there is no clear winner among the scoring function, occupancy based (GOMER, AMA, sum and max) and energy scoring functions are preferred. We recommend using occupancy scoring with MNCP statistic or energy scoring with normal AUC or MNCP statistic.

There is no significant correlation (p=0.513, correlation p-value) between the IC and the motif scores (Figure 8). This contrasts with the observation that the best-quality motifs may have low IC motifs6, or high IC motifs58. Weirauch et al. did not normalize for motif length, which results in high IC motifs that are generally longer but not necessarily more specific6. A shorter motif with higher IC per position will be more specific but have lower total IC. We argue that the effect of IC on motif quality is dependent on the TF binding behaviour. TFs with short and specific binding sites will favour high IC while those with long and variable binding sites will be more accurately modelled with low IC. Furthermore, it has been shown the low IC flanking motif sites contribute to specificity of binding in vivo58.

We have also shown that the techniques used in motif assessment have a direct effect on motif discovery. We observe how motifs generated from similar data using the same techniques could have highly variable performance in POUR, ZLAB and GUERTIN motifs (Figure 9). This difference in quality can be explained by motif discovery algorithms used, data processing as well as the assessment techniques used in each motif discovery pipeline. POUR motifs are learned from full-length sequences of the top 250 peaks using five motif finding algorithms (MEME, MDscan, Trawler, AlignAce and Weeder)34, the ZLAB group used 100bp of the top 500 sequences centred on the ChIP-seq peaks using MEME-ChIP59, while GUERTIN reports the top 5 motifs for each technique generated using MEME. For quality assessment, POUR34 used a TFM-PVALUE60 to match motifs against the testing ChIP-seq data set and the most enriched motifs against a background composed of intergenic non-repetitive regions. ZLAB group used FIMO52, which uses a log likelihood score for motif scanning.

The worst performing motifs, from TF2DNA, are generated from 3D models of TF from experimental or homology-modelled PDB files. When generating these models, they determined the accuracy of the models based on similarity to UniPROBE and JASPAR motifs at a given threshold. They claimed their technique successfully identifies true motifs 41–81% of the time depending on the quality of templates used in modelling 3D structures. This supports our view that use of motif comparison against ‘reference motifs’ as a measure of motif quality is not reliable. Although JASPAR and UniPROBE are widely used, reliance on reference motifs is problematic, especially with the advent of motif databases like HOCOMOCO and CIS-BP that have motifs with better prediction quality. As a general principle, it is not reasonable to use historical data as a benchmark for assessing potentially better new methods.

We have confirmed that motif assessment has transcription-specific variability, an observation previously made61. Assessments should be less focused on how a particular motif database or algorithm performs but on how different motifs, for a particular TF, perform compared to the other potential motifs. For the end user, no single database can provide the sole measure of quality of new data. This raises the need for collation of the different motifs tested using a variety of motif assessments to provide information to the end user on their ranks.


We have demonstrated that the scoring techniques used in motif assessment influence ranking of motifs in a TF-specific manner. Motif assessments and tools developed to date have focused on comparing algorithms, experimental techniques or databases. This does not help the user choose which motif to use for a given TF. Some TFs reviewed here have at least 44 PWM motifs available, raising the need for a tool that can be utilized to rank these motifs. We have also shown that data processing as well as motif assessment can have a significant influence on the quality of motifs derived. Therefore, the choice of an assessment approach should be given as much thought as that of the motif discovery algorithm to use. We have also shown the effect of IC on motif quality is influenced by TF binding behaviour.

In short, a single measure of motif quality is likely to remain elusive, pointing to the need for tools and methods for comparative analysis using multiple methods. Lessons learned from this analysis will be useful in a number of ways. Firstly, we are working on a web-based application that can allow users to compare motifs available in different databases for a specific TF. Secondly, we intend to extend the motif by comparison approach to avoid ‘reference motifs’ bias. Thirdly, we have shown the effect of motif scoring on motif discovery. We intend to use the robust motif assessment techniques we introduce to improve motif finding.

Data and software availability

Data, software, supplementary files and documentation for ‘Transcription factor motif quality assessment requires systematic comparative analysis’ are available from Github:

Archived files at the time of publication are available from Zenodo: doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3372669.

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Kibet CK and Machanick P. Transcription factor motif quality assessment requires systematic comparative analysis [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations] F1000Research 2015, 4(ISCB Comm J):1429 (
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Version 1
PUBLISHED 11 Dec 2015
Reviewer Report 15 Jan 2016
Jan Grau, Institute of Computer Science, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany 
Approved with Reservations
The manuscript "Transcription factor motif quality assessment requires systematic comparative analysis" by Kibet and Machanick addresses the assessment of transcription factor binding motifs. This question is especially important for selecting appropriate motifs for computational predictions given the large number of ... Continue reading
Grau J. Reviewer Report For: Transcription factor motif quality assessment requires systematic comparative analysis [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2015, 4(ISCB Comm J):1429 (
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  • Author Response 14 Mar 2016
    Caleb Kipkurui, Department of Computer Science and Research Unit in Bioinformatics (RUBi), Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
    14 Mar 2016
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    Thank you very much for your insightful comments and recommendations. They have helped us improve the paper.

    The main aim of this paper is to identify the weaknesses and potential pitfalls ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 14 Mar 2016
    Caleb Kipkurui, Department of Computer Science and Research Unit in Bioinformatics (RUBi), Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
    14 Mar 2016
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    Thank you very much for your insightful comments and recommendations. They have helped us improve the paper.

    The main aim of this paper is to identify the weaknesses and potential pitfalls ... Continue reading
Reviewer Report 05 Jan 2016
Trevor W. Siggers, Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA 
Approved with Reservations
The manuscript by Kibet et al. “Transcription factor motif quality assessment requires systematic comparative analysis” addresses an important issue in the field of regulatory genomics, namely how we analyze motif enrichment in genomic datasets. The authors have addressed this issue ... Continue reading
Siggers TW. Reviewer Report For: Transcription factor motif quality assessment requires systematic comparative analysis [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2015, 4(ISCB Comm J):1429 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
  • Author Response 14 Mar 2016
    Caleb Kipkurui, Department of Computer Science and Research Unit in Bioinformatics (RUBi), Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
    14 Mar 2016
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    Thank you very much for taking the time to review our paper and provide recommendations.Your comments have been very helpful in improving the paper.

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    On repeat masked sequences, we have ... Continue reading
  • Author Response 14 Mar 2016
    Caleb Kipkurui, Department of Computer Science and Research Unit in Bioinformatics (RUBi), Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
    14 Mar 2016
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    Thank you very much for taking the time to review our paper and provide recommendations.Your comments have been very helpful in improving the paper.

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