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Research Article

Electronic invoicing: a cross sectional study of its implementation in micro and small businesses in Lima, Peru

[version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]
PUBLISHED 16 Feb 2023
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Background: The implementation of electronic taxation systems helps every company to be able to control, verify and simplify its tax operations. It allows them to manage all their obligations in a faster and more efficient way. In this study, we aim to deduce from the accountants' perspective, what attitudes, practices and compliance with tax obligations are being carried out as a result of the implementation of electronic invoicing. Likewise, to note the benefits it has brought to Micro and Small Enterprises during COVID-19 in Peru.
Methods: We used methods of applied research with a quantitative and non-experimental approach. The sample consisted of 384 accountants who manage taxation in their respective companies in Metropolitan Lima, to whom a questionnaire was applied as a data collection instrument.
Results: The study sample believes that the use of an electronic issuance system can help combat tax evasion (9.6%), cumbersome tax audits (38.8%), informality (9.4%), falsification of payment vouchers (8.9%), loss and deterioration of payment vouchers (9.1%) and informality (8.3%). They also consider, in their opinion, that the use of the electronic tax system has greatly facilitated the taxation processes (96.6%), generated a reduction in costs (96.4%), reduced the use or consumption of paper (96.9%) and streamlined the administrative and accounting operations (97.4%) of the MSEs
Conclusions: It is evident that the sample is in favour of the implementation with an electronic tax system in their business. This new system would be a promising means to help businesses voluntarily comply with their tax obligations. In turn, it generates a positive effect on tax collection and compliance levels.


Electronic system, tax obligations, electronic vouchers, electronic invoicing, taxes.


In the globalised world in which we live, changes are increasingly frequent, and companies are no strangers to this, year after year they adopt new ways of doing business. In previous years, it was thought that the use of computer systems at all levels and modalities would be difficult, however, the growth of technology and social distancing, originated as the main measure against COVID-19, has caused technology and computer systems to be of support to continue with the different activities that must be carried out and to help with the development of automation within the business world.

According to Velazco (2016) the new “Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)” have enabled and managed to change the processes that were traditionally carried out in companies, which is evidenced by seeing how they have incorporated activities from the implementation of websites to the integrated interaction of business operations with suppliers and customers. As part of these implementations are also those originated by the “Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria (SUNAT)”.

SUNAT oversees providing taxpayers with services that facilitate compliance with their tax obligations, as well as providing services to citizens in general within the scope of its competence. One of its functions is to document operations related to purchases or sales of goods and services, for which it has implemented new forms of digitalisation to provide a better service to the population, as well as to simplify operations applied by different organizations (Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria, 2016).

According to Nina (2019), one of the important factors of the implementation of electronic taxation is to be able to control and verify the correct operations since tax evasion is a recurrent issue (Santillán & Barbaran, 2021), another advantage also includes the simplification of operations, time, cost reduction (Becerra & Ojeda, 2022); so, the implementation of these new forms of digitalization undoubtedly helps to improve tax collection.

Globally, Latin America hosts a number of leading countries in the implementation of electronic payment vouchers, specifically in countries such as Brazil, Mexico, and Chile according to Koch (2022). In Peru, starting in 2015 with the upgrade of computerized accounting software, processes became much faster and data entry became quicker, more reports completed, and the software consumed fewer resources. However, the most significant factor contributing to this was due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular making electronic invoicing in most cases a necessity because it avoided the displacement of workers and taxpayers from one place to another (Gómez, 2021), as well as enhancing payment options and the delivery of documents (bills, invoices) to avoid contact (Sierra et al, 2022). In view of the above, as of June 2022, the Peruvian tax administration implemented controls and obligations to reinforce collection and fiscalization by means of Resolution No. 000128-2021-SUNAT of 27 August 2021, requiring all companies to issue electronic invoices and receipts (Resolución de Superintendencia N° 000128-2021/SUNAT, 2021)

For this reason, the purpose of this research work is to find out, from the accountants' perspective, what attitudes, practices and measures of compliance with tax obligations are being carried out due to the implementation of electronic invoicing, as well as the benefits it has brought to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) during the COVID-19 process in Peru.


The study's research methodology was non-experimental (Baena, 2017), applied and quantitative (Ñaupas, et al., 2018).


The sample population is comprised of active accountants, who are working in MSEs (Micro and Small Enterprises) around Metropolitan Lima, Peru.

It is reported that in Peru there are close to three million (approx. 2,838,494) incorporated companies (Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática, 2021), of which 95% are MSEs (ComexPerú, 2020)

Peru has a high rate of incorporation and creation of MSEs; nationally, it is reported that around 730 companies are incorporated every day, 95% of which are MSEs (PQS, 2015). It is reported that 34% (965,087 MSEs) of all of them are located in Lima and that metropolitan Lima is home to 98.93% (95,476 MSEs) of that total (Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática, 2014).

One of them is the accounting sector, which deals with all accounting, finance and taxation issues of the company and is managed by a professional accountant.

The list of MSE's constituted within the area of Lima Metropolitana was obtained from the Municipality of Lima, which was only used for the purposes of the study.

According to Aguilar (2005), an infinite population is taken as “when the total number of observation units is unknown or the population is greater than 10,000”, since the total number of accountants currently working in MSEs is not known, the formula for infinite populations will be used to determine the sample size. Where it will be used at a confidence level of 95% equivalent to a Z value of 1.96, with a margin of error (e) of 5%, with a probability of success of 50% and a probability of failure of 50% (Hernández-Sampieri & Mendoza, 2018), presented in the following way:


The sample consisted of a total of 384 accountants who perform tax management functions in their respective MSEs in Metropolitan Lima, taking only one accountant per company selected.

The type of sampling was non-probabilistic by convenience, because the researchers chose the members of the sample by convenience, according to the proximity and ease of access to the companies and accountants (Hernández-Sampieri & Mendoza, 2018).

They were subjected to an inclusion and exclusion criterion

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Companies with a maximum of 10 employees.

  • Employees in the accounting area.

  • Active accountants working in a MSEs

  • Accountants of both sexes (male and female).

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Accounts workers who are not professionally qualified.

  • Accountants who do not wish to participate in the study.

Data collection technique and instrument

The technique used was a survey and the data collection instrument was a questionnaire divided into three sections:

  • - Section 1. Information and opinion on electronic invoicing: This section analysed whether the companies have encountered difficulties in implementing the electronic invoicing system, the time taken to implement it, which receipts they issue, and whether they consider that it has contributed both socially and to business.

    This section has 6 questions, the first is a closed question with a “Yes” and “No” alternative answer, and the other 5 are multiple-choice questions.

  • - Section 2. Attitudes and practices on electronic invoicing: In this section, the attitudes, and practices of businesses regarding electronic receipts were studied.

    This section has 11 questions with an alternative answer of “Yes” and “No”.

  • - Section 3. Fulfilment of tax obligations: This section assessed whether companies are complying with their tax obligations.

    This section has 7 questions with an alternative answer of “Yes” and “No”.

The full questionnaire can be found in the extended data (Grijalva, et al. 2022). For the development of the questionnaire, we used the works of: Suárez (2019), Atachagua & Ortega (2019) and Pérez (2019) which served as sources of support for the elaboration of the instrument.

The collection and application of the instrument was carried out between September 1 and November 15, 2021, and this was done physically (paper copies), then data processing took place between December 1, 2021, and January 30, 2022. Finally, the presentation and interpretation of results was carried out until March 30, 2022. The researchers went directly to the management of each MSEs, and the instrument was physically delivered to each accountant in charge of the accounting area of the MSEs visited. It should be noted that it was the accountants themselves who completed the questionnaire freely and without the intervention of the interviewers.

Data processing methods

The questionnaire was sent to the entire sample, after which all the information was processed and compiled in an Excel 2019 spreadsheet, and then exported to the SPSS Vr. 25 statistical program, where all the data processing was carried out. The results obtained were presented in the form of a table of frequencies, which were used to respond to the stated objective, the discussion of results and conclusions of the research.


It should be noted that the questionnaire was validated by experts, and after obtaining these validations, the Kuder-Richardson test was carried out, where the instrument was subjected to a reliability test, which was carried out by means of a pilot test with the participation of 40 accountants. The result obtained was a Kuder-Richardson of 0.863, according to Durán & Lara (2021), which indicates that “it is considered acceptable when it is between 0.75 and 0.90”, so the result obtained is considered acceptable.

The questionnaire did not undergo any changes after the pilot test and the accountants who were in the pilot test were not included in the final sample.

Ethical approval

The project was presented to the research board, being approved on 01 July 2021 by the “Vicerrectorado de Investigación” of the “Universidad César Vallejo” by means of the document called “Resolución de vicerrectorado de investigación N°190-2021-VI-UCV”.


Each accountant was respectively notified about the intention of the study by means of an informed consent document in which all information related to the research was presented, informing them about the objective of the study, costs, whether they were going to be exposed to any risk, among other sections. Each person read the document and those who agreed to participate had to sign the document, which was then returned to the researcher. In addition, they were informed that all personal data would be handled anonymously, which means that no information about the participants such as names, identity documents, place of work or other information that could violate the confidentiality of data would be exposed within the work and that this information would be respected in accordance with the “Personal Data Protection Act” (Ley No. 29733, July 3, 2011).


None of the 384 respondents declined to participate in the study. There were also no blank questionnaires, so it is recorded that all 384 accountants participated and filled in each questionnaire to the best of their knowledge and belief. There was also no loss of data in the processing.

Table 1 shows that all the accountants indicate that the company where they work in is an electronic issuer of payment vouchers by designation of SUNAT (26.05%), as well as by their own will (73.95%). At the same time, they indicate that the MSEs took between 1 and 2 months (33.6%) and between 4 and 6 months (16.9%) to implement the electronic issuance system, and finally, the sample's opinion on the use of an electronic issuance system and what it helps to counteract in the tax and social spheres: tax evasion (9.6%), cumbersome audits (38.8%), informality (9.4%), falsification of payment vouchers (8.9%), loss and deterioration of payment vouchers (9.1%), informality (8.3%) and none of the above (15.9%).

Table 1. Information about electronic invoicing.

2. Is your company an electronic issuer of electronic invoicing by designation of SUNAT?Yes10026.05
4. How long did it take you to implement an Electronic Emissions System in your company?1 to 2 months12933.6
2 to 4 months12432.3
4 to 6 months6516.9
More than 6 months6617.2
6. Do you believe that electronic emission systems help to reduce the risk ofTax evasion379.6
Fiscal burdensome audits14938.8
Falsification of payment voucher348.9
Loss and deterioration of payment vouchers359.1
High paper and tax administration costs328.3
None of the above6115.9

Table 2 shows the difficulties encountered by the MSEs in implementing an e-issuance system, being the lack of economic resources (47.7%), the main difficulty encountered by the companies, followed by the lack of electronic service providers (PSE) in the city (49.9%) and finally the lack of access to technology (45.1%) that some MSEs had, together with the lack of information (44%) about this type of system.

Table 2. Opinion on electronic invoicing.

3. What difficulties has your company faced in implementation of an electronic emission system?Lack of information44.0%
Poor access to technology45.1%
Low financial resources47.7%
Shortage of electronic service providers (ESPs) in the city46.9%
5. Which electronic invoices and related documents are used in your business?Electronic invoice89.8%
Electronic receipt44.5%
Electronic purchase settlement45.3%
Electronic waybill60.9%
Electronic sales receipt100.0%
Electronic credit note5.7%
Electronic debit note3.1%
Electronic withholding voucher2.6%
7. What benefits have you noticed since your company has been using electronic payment documents?Lower issuance and storage costs42.4%
Time savings43.5%
Obtaining information in real time46.4%
Facilitates tax declarations and payment54.2%
Facilitates bookkeeping and record keeping14.8%
Environmental conservation38.5%

It also shows which are the electronic payment vouchers and electronic issuance documents, being the bills (100%) and electronic invoice (89.8%) the most used in the companies, followed by electronic receipts (44.5%), followed by electronic purchase invoices (45.3%) and lastly, electronic waybills (60.9%).

Lastly, we analyzed the benefits most noted by respondents from the implementation of electronic receipts within companies, the most important being that it facilitates tax declarations and payment (54.2%), followed by having real-time information (46.4%), saving time (43.5%), that this type of system reduces the costs of issuing and storing documents (42.4%) and, lastly, that it helps to conserve the environment (38.1%).

Table 3 shows that 81% indicated that it was convenient for the company to have adopted an electronic invoicing system, while 80.5% indicated that their respective companies had the necessary equipment to carry out this type of management; 32% indicated that they do not attend the training sessions held by the supervisory body that views this type of document; this last result means that 23.7% of those surveyed still have difficulties in issuing electronic payment receipts. It is also evident that 96.6% consider that the use of this type of system has facilitated processes, as well as reducing costs (96.4%), reducing paper (96.9%) and that administrative and accounting operations have become much more agile (97.4%). Finally, it is evident that respondents indicate that they have physical receipts (97.9%), as a contingency plan, and that they also comply with reporting to SUNAT on the physical receipts issued (94%).

Table 3. Attitudes and practices on electronic invoicing.

8. Do you consider that it has been convenient for the company to adopt an electronic invoicing system?No7319.0
9. Does the company where you work have the necessary equipment to keep the electronic invoicing system operating optimally?No7519.5
10. Does the staff in charge have the skills to manage the electronic invoicing system?No5313.8
11. Do you or your staff attend the training sessions scheduled by SUNAT?No12332.0
12. Do you have physical vouchers in case of contingencies?No82.1
13. Do you comply with reporting to SUNAT the physical receipts issued in contingency cases?No236.0
14. Do you have difficulties in the issuance of Electronic Payment Vouchers?No29376.3
15. Has the use of an Electronic Emission System facilitated the issuance and delivery of payment vouchers?No133.4
16. Have costs been reduced due to the simplification of processes with the implementation of electronic invoicing?No143.6
17. Has the use of electronic invoicing reduced inputs such as paper, folders, etc.?No123.1
18. Has the use of electronic invoicing streamlined administrative and accounting operations?No102.6

Table 4 shows that companies make their tax payments within the established deadlines (97.7%), that the use of electronic payment vouchers greatly facilitates the payment of tax debts (97.9%), that since they have been electronic issuers of payment vouchers, companies have faithfully complied with the issuance and delivery of such vouchers to the requesting agents (97.1%), but it is evident that 3.1% at some point in the management of this type of process committed at least one infraction related to compliance with issuing and/or delivering electronic payment vouchers. Finally, it is shown that most of them comply with submitting their electronic books and records within the established deadline (97.7%), as well as their sworn statements and within the deadlines established by law (95.8%).

Table 4. Fulfilment of tax obligations.

19. Is the tax declared monthly by your company paid on time?No92.3
20. Does the use of Electronic Payment Vouchers facilitate the payment of your tax debt?No82.1
21. Since your company has become an electronic issuer of Payment Vouchers, have you complied with the issuance and delivery of the Electronic Payment Voucher?No112.9
22. Have you committed any infringement related to compliance with the issuance and/or delivery of the Electronic Payment Voucher?No37296.9
23. Do you comply with submitting your electronic books and records within the established deadline?No92.3
24. Does the electronic issuance of payment vouchers facilitate the filing of your tax returns with SUNAT?No164.2
25. Do you comply with the deadlines established by law?No164.2

Discussion and conclusion

According to the results shown, the accountants interviewed indicate that the companies where they work are electronic issuers of payment receipts by designation of SUNAT in a lower proportion (26,05%) than those that do so of their own free will (73.95%). A trend that has continued over the years, since according to the Inter-American Development Bank in its 2018 publication, only 11% of the total number of taxpayers that issued electronic invoices up to that time did so by SUNAT designation, which means that 89% were voluntary electronic issuers (Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y Centro Interamericano de Administraciones Tributarias, 2018).

The implementation of electronic invoicing has been incorporated for some time, as the tax administration of the different Latin American countries has advanced with modernization. This has enabled taxpayers to use different virtual services in order to make the functioning of the economy viable and to comply with the various tax and fiscal obligations, which is why many taxpayers have seen digitalization as an option for change.

The virtualisation of tax services implies a change of paradigm and although this change was possible thanks to the laws and rules that have been in place over the years, as well as the improvement of platforms to produce documents in electronic format, the health crisis that began in 2020 prompted a 360-degree change.

It should be stressed that the road to incorporating electronic invoicing has not been an easy one, according to what was stated by the MSEs, with problems of access to technology being one of the main problems faced by the companies. It was also found that one of the problems was the scarcity of electronic service providers (PES) in the city (49.9%), poor access to technology (45.1%) and lack of information (44%) about this type of system. As can be seen, despite the progress that has been made in digital infrastructure in recent decades, access to technology is a major problem that we face every day. According to Comisión Económica para América Latina (CEPAL, 2020), telecommunications infrastructure and digital connectivity is still a problem facing the entire region, together with the challenge for operators to preserve adequate levels of quality in internet services. To this end, it is important that the country should provide improvements in the quality of these services (internet) as they are important and necessary to maintain active supply chains and distribution of goods.

The results of the survey showed that among the main milestones regarding the importance and benefits of e-invoicing, it is highlighted that it facilitates tax declarations and payments, followed by having information in real time, time savings, that this type of system reduces the costs of issuing and storing documents, and finally that it is an environmentally sustainable means. In addition, García et al. (2021) indicate that it has been confirmed that the electronic invoicing process is more beneficial for the company and has various benefits such as cost savings and a strong impact related to the protection and care of the environment, which allows the company to be more competitive and profitable.

Regarding the attitudes and practices carried out, we can see that the necessary precautions have been taken when implementing electronic invoicing systems, and that it has also brought benefits for the company, such as the reduction of paperwork, simplification and streamlining of processes and, lastly, facilitates the issuing and delivery of payment receipts.

Finally, compliance with tax obligations is also an important part of the implementation of electronic invoicing, since tax collection depends on generating greater conditions that benefit the country. Sierra et al. (2022) indicate that electronic invoicing can be used to make tax collection and tax liability (fines, penalties, coercive collections, etc.) more evident, because electronic invoicing facilitates the monitoring of transactions, regardless of their number, as it is systematised, facilitating monitoring by the organisation in charge of administering taxes.


As can be seen, during the development of this research, that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the incorporation of electronic invoicing in companies has been of great help in complying with tax obligations.

The implementation of electronic invoicing in the different tax regimes is a promising means that will help companies to voluntarily comply with their tax obligations. This is of particular importance, as it allows for an increase in tax collection and compliance levels, especially when compared to more developed countries.

The incorporation of electronic invoicing has an impact on all the country's companies, as it is a total change from traditional issuance, involving interaction with new technologies, terminology, and new processes, which means that investment, time and staff training must be taken into account.

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Grijalva Salazar RV, Fernández-Bedoya VH, Ibarra Fretell WG et al. Electronic invoicing: a cross sectional study of its implementation in micro and small businesses in Lima, Peru [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations] F1000Research 2023, 12:189 (
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Approved with reservations A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approvedFundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
Version 1
PUBLISHED 16 Feb 2023
Reviewer Report 22 Jun 2023
Idrissa Kayijuka, Ege University, İzmir, Turkey 
Approved with Reservations
This article aims to investigate the attitudes, practices, and compliance measures regarding tax obligations from accountants' perspectives in light of the implementation of electronic invoicing. It also examines the benefits experienced by Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) during the COVID-19 ... Continue reading
Kayijuka I. Reviewer Report For: Electronic invoicing: a cross sectional study of its implementation in micro and small businesses in Lima, Peru [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2023, 12:189 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.
Reviewer Report 02 Jun 2023
Matthieu Bellon, European Stability Mechanism, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg 
Approved with Reservations
This article surveys accountants in micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Peru to examine the use of electronic invoicing systems as well as the challenges, risks and benefits associated with their adoption for MSEs. The study finds that limited access ... Continue reading
Bellon M. Reviewer Report For: Electronic invoicing: a cross sectional study of its implementation in micro and small businesses in Lima, Peru [version 1; peer review: 2 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2023, 12:189 (
NOTE: it is important to ensure the information in square brackets after the title is included in all citations of this article.

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Approved with reservations - A number of small changes, sometimes more significant revisions are required to address specific details and improve the papers academic merit.
Not approved - fundamental flaws in the paper seriously undermine the findings and conclusions
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