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陈禹 沈龙山 程雯 陈刘成 王震寰

陈禹, 沈龙山, 程雯, 陈刘成, 王震寰. 基于多模态MRI对颅内动脉粥样硬化的斑块特征、血流动力学、侧支循环及临床疗效评估的应用进展[J]. 分子影像学杂志, 2023, 46(3): 566-570. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2023.03.33
引用本文: 陈禹, 沈龙山, 程雯, 陈刘成, 王震寰. 基于多模态MRI对颅内动脉粥样硬化的斑块特征、血流动力学、侧支循环及临床疗效评估的应用进展[J]. 分子影像学杂志, 2023, 46(3): 566-570. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2023.03.33
CHEN Yu, SHEN Longshan, CHENG Wen, CHEN Liucheng, WANG Zhenhuan. Progress in the application of multimodal MRI in the assessment of plaque characteristics, hemodynamics, collateral circulation and clinical efficacy of intracranial atherosclerosis[J]. Journal of Molecular Imaging, 2023, 46(3): 566-570. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2023.03.33
Citation: CHEN Yu, SHEN Longshan, CHENG Wen, CHEN Liucheng, WANG Zhenhuan. Progress in the application of multimodal MRI in the assessment of plaque characteristics, hemodynamics, collateral circulation and clinical efficacy of intracranial atherosclerosis[J]. Journal of Molecular Imaging, 2023, 46(3): 566-570. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2023.03.33


doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2023.03.33

蚌埠医学院转化医学重点项目 BYTM2019045

数字医学与智慧健康安徽普通高校重点实验室(蚌埠医学院)一般项目 AHCM2022W001


    陈禹,在读硕士研究生,住院医师,E-mail: 2322754354@qq.com


    沈龙山,硕士,主任医师,E-mail: trede@163.com

Progress in the application of multimodal MRI in the assessment of plaque characteristics, hemodynamics, collateral circulation and clinical efficacy of intracranial atherosclerosis

  • 摘要: 颅内动脉粥样硬化疾病是导致全球缺血性卒中最常见的原因之一,且其具有较高的复发风险。在脑卒中的影像学诊断、风险分层、治疗方式的选择及预后评估等方面,多模态MRI技术有着其他影像学技术难以具有的空间分辨率、脑脊液抑制等优势。本文从斑块的影像学特征、血流动力学及侧支代偿状态等多个维度对多模态MRI在评估脑卒中风险中的应用价值进行综述,旨在为脑卒中精准风险分层及预后评估等方面提供参考。


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