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水力发电学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (7): 109-120.doi: 10.11660/slfdxb.20200711

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  • 出版日期:2020-07-25 发布日期:2020-07-25

Experimental study on optimization of inclination angles of deflector of vortex setting chamber

  • Online:2020-07-25 Published:2020-07-25

摘要: 通过系列模型试验研究了溢流悬板近心端向下倾斜、向上倾斜和水平布置对排沙漏斗水沙分离性能的影响。结果表明,溢流悬板倾斜与水平布置时排沙漏斗的截除率基本一致。悬板向上和向下倾斜时漏斗室和悬板表面的泥沙淤积量均小于悬板水平布置时的淤积量,倾角越大,淤积量越小。当悬板近心端向上倾斜时,泥沙淤积量的减幅大于悬板向下倾斜工况,排沙耗水率低于向下倾斜和水平布置工况,且向上倾角越大排沙耗水率越低。因此,将悬板近心端向上倾斜一定角度可有效解决悬板表面泥沙淤积问题,而且可减少排沙耗水率和漏斗室内的淤积量,研究成果可为排沙漏斗的悬板优化设计提供依据和指导。

关键词: 排沙漏斗, 溢流悬板, 模型试验, 泥沙截除率, 排沙耗水率

Abstract: This paper reports a series of model tests on the sand-water separation performance of a vortex setting chamber (VSC) equipped with a flow deflector that is placed in horizontal, downward or upward direction toward the central orifice. The results show that in these three deflector conditions, the removal efficiency of the chamber is nearly the same but its sediment deposition differs. For a deflector tilted upward and downward, the total amount of sediment deposited in the VSC basin and on the deflector surface is less than that of a horizontal deflector. Usually a larger inclination angle results in a smaller deposition volume. The decrease in the amount of deposition in the upward deflector case is greater than that of a downward deflector. For the upward deflector, water consumption is lower than that in the downward or horizontal case and it decreases with an increasing upward angle. Thus, tilting the near-center edge of the deflector upward at a certain angle can effectively avoid sediment deposition on the deflector surface while reducing water consumption and sediment deposition in the VSC basin, which helps better optimize the design of vortex setting chambers.

Key words: vortex settling chamber, deflector, model test, removal efficiency, water consumption

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