Online ISSN : 1884-6823
Print ISSN : 1341-8157
ISSN-L : 1341-8157
崔 廷敏浅見 泰司
ジャーナル フリー

2003 年 2003 巻 42 号 p. 86-97


This paper analyzes the hidden structure of residents' segmentation and evaluation structure on residential satisfaction using the dataset obtained from the recent UDC (Urban Development Corporation) survey. Clustering of residents, evaluation criteria, and structural relationship of satisfaction factors based on the evaluation of residential satisfaction are identified and clarified from the viewpoint of housing supply and housing policy planning. The result shows that there are four clusters of customers in the evaluation of residential satisfaction primarily determined by the two factors; housing and residential environment. Also the concept of residential satisfaction which is predominantly divided by these two major satisfaction components is further classified into seven other satisfaction factors and their relationship is discussed. The result clearly demonstrates that satisfaction from indoor housing is more influential in determining overall residential satisfaction than that of outdoor environment.

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