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Full-Attention Driven Graph Contrastive Learning: with Effective Mutual Information Insight

Published:13 May 2024Publication History


Graph contrastive learning often faces challenges when data augmentations compromise the graph's critical attributes, introducing the risk of generating noise-positive pairs. Although recent methods have attempted to address these issues, they either fall short of ensuring effective data augmentation or suffer from excessive computational demands. The advent of full-attention graph Transformers, with their enhanced capacity for graph representation learning, has sparked significant interest. Despite their potential, employing full-attention graph Transformers for contrastive learning can introduce issues such as noisy redundancies. In this work, we propose the Graph Attention Contrastive Learning (GACL) model, which innovatively combines a full-attention transformer with a message-passing graph neural network as its encoder. To mitigate the noise associated with full-attention mechanisms, we apply a denoising modification. Our GACL model effectively tackles the challenges associated with full-attention mechanisms and introduces a novel approach for data augmentation. Moreover, we propose the concept of effective mutual information to theoretically underpin our methodology. Utilizing this framework, we explore the impact of the denoising matrix within GACL's contrastive learning process and delve into comprehensive discussions on its implications. Empirical assessments underscore GACL's exceptional performance, establishing it as a state-of-the-art solution in graph contrastive learning.

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  1. Full-Attention Driven Graph Contrastive Learning: with Effective Mutual Information Insight



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