Online ISSN : 2185-1034
Print ISSN : 0447-7227
ISSN-L : 0447-7227
小田 恂野村 恭也牛嶋 達次郎渡辺 勇鳥山 稔佐藤 恒正冨田 寛菊池 恭三本多 芳男原田 勇彦山口 宏也神崎 仁細谷 睦小松崎 篤岡本 途也堀内 和之高橋 文雄猪 忠彦古賀 慶次郎河村 正三奥田 稔弓削 庫太山田 文則宮川 晃一岩村 忍藤岡 正勝小林 武夫大西 信次郎石井 哲夫荒牧 元小寺 一興安部 治彦堤 昌己村主 好弘
ジャーナル フリー

1985 年 31 巻 6 号 p. 1196-1204


Therapeutic effects of methyl B12 for subjective tinnitus and sensorineural hearing loss were investigated on 576 cases in the Tokyo district. Out of them, 560 cases (773 ears) were patients suffering from subjective tinnitus and 430 cases (637 ears) were patients with sensorineural hearing loss. Methyl B12 was administrated to each patients 1500μg per a day. On the fourth and 8th week after treatment, the patients were asked whether or not their tinnitus varried and were tested by pure tone audiometry. The patients with acute onset on tinnitus (226 cases) showed the most effective result. Thirty one per cent of them had been aware of disappearance or diminishing of their annoying tinnitus. In acute sensorineural hearing loss (128 cases), 26% of the patients had an improvement in their audiogram. On the other hand, in non-acute cases of tinnitus (285 cases) and hearing loss (228 cases), Methyl B12 seemed to be ineffective. Of all patients considered, Methyl B12 were effective in 28% of all tinnitus patinets and in 13% of patients of sensorineural hearring impairment.

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