Original paper

New cyclostome bryozoans from the Lower Cretaceous of Dagestan

Koromyslova, Anna V.

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen Band 309 Heft 1 (2023), p. 49 - 64

68 references

published: Jul 31, 2023
manuscript accepted: Jun 26, 2023
manuscript received: May 5, 2023

DOI: 10.1127/njgpa/2023/1148

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Two new cyclostome bryozoans, Rorypora gunibensis sp. nov. and Elea parva sp. nov., as well as Elea cf. periallos Taylor and ?Meliceritites sp., are here described. The studied material comes from the Lower Cretaceous (the interval presumably corresponds to the upper Hauterivian) in the environs of Gunib in Dagestan, eastern Caucasus. The paleogeographical and stratigraphical distribution of the genus Rorypora Taylor are enlarged. Rorypora, previously described only from the Middle Jurassic of France and Switzerland, was unknown in the Lower Cretaceous. The new records of the genera Elea d’Orbigny and, possibly, Meliceritites Roemer, belonging to the Barremian–Danian family Eleidae, show that these taxa had extensive geographical distribution in the Lower Cretaceous.


BryozoaCyclostomatidataxonomymorphologyµCTLower CretaceousDagestan