Online ISSN : 1884-5894
Print ISSN : 0009-3165
ISSN-L : 0009-3165
高本 均鎌田 日出男平野 学近藤 捷嘉荒木 徹松村 陽右大森 弘之近藤 淳難波 克一片山 泰弘
ジャーナル フリー

1978 年 26 巻 Supplement5 号 p. 501-514


1) Minimal inhibitory concentrations of CS-1170, cefoxitin (CFX) and cefazolin (CEZ) ware determined and compered on 141 strains isolated from urinary tract infections in the inoculum size of original overnight broth culture. Antimicrobial activities of CS-1170 were slightly weaker against Staphylococcus aureus, but stronger against E. coli, Proteus vulgaris and Klebsiella than CEZ, and as same as CFX. Serratia species were somewhat sensitive, but Pseudomonas, resistant to CS-1170.
2) In a case with normal renal funtion, the blood level reached to the maximum (110 μg/ml) at the 30 minutes after one shot intravenous administration of CS-1170 1.0 g, decreased rapidly thereafter, and the urinary recovery rate was 99.0% within 6 hours.
3) Tissue levels of CS-1170 in kidneys and prostates were determined wih the extirpated tissues of 2 renal calculi, 2 renal pelvic tumor and 7 prostatic hypertrophy patients, administrated 1.0-2.0g CS-1170 i. v. or d. i. at the operation time. Serum levels of CS-1170 in these patients were also determined in the same time. Mean renal tissue level of CS-1170 was 2.4 times the serum levels at the time of extirpaion, and renal cortical tissue levels were higher than medullary levels. Mean prostatic tissue level of CS-1170 was 19.0 % of the serum levels at the time of enuculation.
4) Twenty nine cases with urogenital infections were treated with 1.0g to 2.0g of CS-1170 daily. Excellent or good results were obtained in 14 of 24 cases. Five cases were dropped out.
5) Side effects were observed in only one of 29 cases (full feeling of stomach) Laboratory findings showed elevation of GPT in 3 cases and slight elevation of Al-p in 2 cases. But one case of elevation of GPT was not owing to the side effect of CS-1170.

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