地下空間における歩行特性に関する研究 : 福岡市天神地区地下街をケーススタディとして
崔 祉淑森田 昌嗣
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 158-159


As for this paper, based on the investigation analysis of the the Fukuoka city Ten-Jin area underground market, this paper aims to find the kinds of signs to be used on a testee in that underground area, the process is to be done as follows, 1) Check the route and the walk line shape which the testee passes through and make a comparison. 2) To find out how the testee relates to the sign, in terms of numbers the height, and what establishment it is on, since there are different movements to con sider, doring it in sections would be best. As a result, for a person to get around in the Fukuoka city Ten-Jjn underground, the problem of how the directionai and way-finding signs are being used will have to be changed. By showing the establishment, the height bias of the signs, and the connections between places, the walkers characteristic problems that were pointed out become clear. The proper arrangement of landmarks as symbolisms of a place is necessary to the solution of the problem in the height of the signs and the establishments. This will make the user understand the information easily and smoothly.

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