Online ISSN : 1347-9598
Print ISSN : 0387-0154
ISSN-L : 0387-0154
木内 晃清水 洋志石原 健一
ジャーナル フリー

2013 年 51 巻 3 号 p. 80-88


In order to investigate the validity on a size requirement for KIc testing in the proposed revision of ISO12135, W-a≥1. 1 (KQ⁄σys)2 , and on that in the present standard of ISO12135, W-a, a, B≥2. 5 (KQ⁄σys)2, we analytically investigated the effect of plasticity at the crack tip on a provisional fracture toughness KQ calculated from the force, at which a force-displacement curve (F-V curve) intersects a secant line given in accordance with the above standard. The nonlinear component of the F-V curve is the sum of two parts, one due to the plasticity at the crack tip and the other to actual crack extension. 3-dimensional elastic-plastic finite element analyses of CT specimens with varying sizes have been performed to calculate KQpl, which means KQ obtained as a result of the plasticity at the crack tip without the crack extension. In the case of standard specimen (WB=2, aW=0. 5) , the correlation between KQpl and ligament size (W-a) was approximately given by W-a=1. 5 KQ⁄σys)2 . It was found that the present standard leads to a plane strain fracture toughness KIc with a crack extension more than about 1%of the initial crack length, provided that W-a≥2. 5 (KQ⁄σys)2 . Meanwhile, in the case of the proposed revision of ISO12135, it was shown to recognize KQpl as KIc, although the size requirement of W-a≥1. 1 (KQ⁄σys)2 was met.

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