16 June 2023 Design of context-based healthy catering O2O recommendation system
Dongping Tang, Shangfei Li, Xiaoli Wu, Shaoyu Wu
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Proceedings Volume 12702, International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Communications, and Computer Networks (ISCCN 2023); 1270206 (2023)
Event: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Communications, and Computer Networks (ISCCN 2023), 2023, Changsha, China
With the improvement of people's living standards, the public has become more and more concerned about healthy diet. A healthy diet is the first line of defense for human health. The existing recommendation services on catering mostly consider personal preference and usually ignore the people's demand for healthy diet. To solve such problem, we consider the healthy diet recommendation system with balanced healthiness and personalization, where the online and offline interactions of food and beverage are more contextualized and diversified, and the personalized needs of users are context sensitive. In particular, we study the process and system implementation of healthy diet recommendation, and consider the actual user needs of healthy diet recommendation system. By integrating two algorithms of knowledge filtering and collaborative filtering by process, we design a modular system architecture framework and realize the acquisition of contextual information and ontology module with rule-based inference.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Dongping Tang, Shangfei Li, Xiaoli Wu, and Shaoyu Wu "Design of context-based healthy catering O2O recommendation system", Proc. SPIE 12702, International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Communications, and Computer Networks (ISCCN 2023), 1270206 (16 June 2023);
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